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Let's try this out for size.
Ban the person above you for a ridiculous reason. Like....
"I ban you for making a topic."
and then the next person says
"I ban you for using the word 'topic' in a sentence."
And so on.
Your banned because I like Maroon 5~
Your banned because you are too pretty.... :mdr:
I ban you for liking chocolate so much (and not sharing any with me)
I ban you for stealing my Milo! :P
I ban you for drinking Milo all the time and not giving me at least one box of Milo! :nrv:
I ban you cause I'm drinking Milo now! :D
I ban you because you're drinking Milo!!!!!!!!!! :non:
I ban you for banning me for drinking Milo!
I ban you for banning me because I banned you! xD
I ban you because you do not obsess over Collins Key the way I do! LOL! XD
You are banned for trying to give me a nickname. :bisous:
You're banned because you chose "the" as your nickname:mdr:
Your banned because the is the best nickname ever!
I ban you cuz i don't know if I should pronounce it as "the" or "thee"
... I ban you because that is a very hard decision to make... :ouf:
@Angelfire OMG! NOOOO! LOL! XD
@Therealrose I ban you because your Avatar and Signature is too awesome for my eyes. Lol! Hi hi hi !
I ban you because Sebastian isn't real. :pleur:
I ban you because you're hitting on my husband! Hands off Spi! Ciel isn't enough for you?
I ban you for posting so many gifs that I have to put them on my WIA
I ban you because I post amazing Gifs! ;P
I ban you for not liking Gajeel
I ban you for using the word Gajeel in a sentence. Lol! XD
I ban you for banning me for saying my husbands name