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I ban you cause I like orange juice.
I ban you for liking orange juice.
I ban you for creating this game. Lol!
@Angelfire His name is ColLins Key. With TWO SS. Not one. Just sayin'.
I ban you cause Harajukukiki banned me for liking orange juice!
I ban you because my hairs is getting frizzy! (I washed my hair) :nrv:
I ban you cause I ate brownies yesterday!
I ban you because I am totally bored right now and have nothing better to do thatn ban you! :P
I ban you cause I'm nuts and I know it! :D
I ban you because Dinosaurs used to exist!
Your banned cause I'm making Harry Potter wands right now!! :D
I ban you because Collins Key is TOO HAWT!!!
I ban you because my hair is curling by its self!
I ban you cause I'm wearing gloves!!
I ban you because I'm going to see my favorite band in concert!!!! ... in over a month.
I ban you because I want a cheesecake brownie but that would mean I'd have to get up and go get it from the fridge in the basement and climb down then up the stairs so I'm gonna take out this frustration out on you by banning you because I want a cheesecake brownie but I'm too lazy to go get one.
I ban you because I hate cheesecake!
I ban you because you hate cheesecake and I love cheesecake.
I ban you so I can plan a surprise cheesecake party without you knowing.
I ban you cause I don't like cheesecake. :P
I ban you for using the same ban as subway1. You need to be more creative!!!
I ban you for being too creative...
I ban you for having a cute avatar.
I ban you because I watched RotG again!
I ban you because I am a cookie clicker addict! :mdr:
Does it make sense? :P
I ban you because I understand!
and I've been playing for several hours...