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I ban you because we are addicts! *high five* :gai:
I ban you because I've just joined the game.
I ban you for being so mean to a newcomer of this game.
I ban you for banning angelfire who banned goldenlightt who banned me who banned...
I ban you because I'm at 74.7 million cookies
I ban you because you have 74.7 million cookies!!!!!!! Is that even possible?! O.O
Last edited by saffirelle (19-08-2013 00:22:38)
I ban you because I have one time machine @_@
yeah I opened the computer in the morning and it all day
I ban you because my jaw dropped! Wow! Me too! But I keep buying factories and labs and grandmas! :mdr: LOL! :P
I ban you because now I'm at 129.6 million cookies ^^ 61.3 thousand per second
I ban you because I fainted because I am amazed by your cookie clicking skills! O.O
I ban you because I want to know how much you got
This is what I do when my mom isn't home :3
I ban you because you like anime.
I ban you because I get 964.4 cookies per seconds!
I ban you cause I'm sorta confused.
I ban you because I am cookie clicking and getting you confused! ;)
I ban you because im not with my computer
I wondr how my cookies are doing
I ban you because I quit! I QUIT! :aomd_mdr:
Lol! I ban you because I got another time machine :montr: :montr:
@Malu Yes! Finally! Someone who understands my disliking of Cheesecake! :)
I ban you for NOT liking Justin Bieber.
I ban you because I am jealous of Angel!!! *Crying like a baby*
I ban you because Justin Bieber is TOO HAWT! GAWK! <333 :love:
I ban you cuz I just sent you a pm :) and I closed my cookie clicker >.> good thing I saved it! 3rd time machine here I come :montr: :montr:
I ban you because the alphabet has more than one letter. Lol! XD :norm:
I ban you cuz I'm going to sleep. And this whole time I couldv'e been cookie clicking :pleur: