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I ban you because I found out who it is! :)
I ban you because now I have posted a HUGE spoiler for PLL fans.
I ban you because I don't know what PLL is
I ban you because it's the TV series Pretty Little Liars and I won't be able to watch it again until mid October :(
I ban you because I know the feel, Gold. D:
I ban you because my friend made me upset! >:[
I ban you because I can't get Clarity out of my head.
I ban you for continuing to talk about things I don't know
I ban you because Clarity is a supermegafoxyawesomehot song that's still stuck in my head.
I ban you because that's what people do.
I ban you because this apple told me to.
Last edited by campanella (07-09-2013 06:41:04)
lol campanella XD
I ban you because I made that apple into applesauce. Who's in charge now? >:D
I ban you because I'm wasting your applesauce!!!!!!!!! Le me is in charge, now. And because no one gets my references.
Last edited by spiderwick9 (07-09-2013 17:41:49)
I ban you because I just ate your applesauce. :v
I ban you because I speak French very well!
Et aussi parce que je ne sais pas c'est quoi PLL. :)
Last edited by subway1 (08-09-2013 14:45:36)
I ban you because I don't know either!
I ban you because I want one!
I ban you because we are gonna have to fight over one
I ban you because I'll steal one!
I ban you because I'm dragging you to jail with me if I get caught. >:D
I ban you because I don't wanna go to jail, I want a minion!
I ban you because the minion will come with us and we can throw a party in the cell! *does the boogeyman dance*