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71 I still fell happy...It's a different type of happiness...I like seeing the smiles of other people's faces...more than mine. Does that make sense?
Yes it does, Varky.
Twin, would you like to celebrate Christmas one day?
Yes it does ^^
That's a good feeling. I think moms feel it more than anyone else.
I never thought about it. I would yes. Would you like to celebrate Eid with me one day?
Last edited by angelfire (04-08-2013 23:16:53)
73 I celebrated Christmas several times with a family friend. He and his wife consider us our grandchildren.
It's not about motherhood..It's the fact that I've seen lots of people who are just barely alive. I feel bad when I complain... at least I have a roof above me, food and internet.
Last edited by darkelfqueen (04-08-2013 23:21:32)
Exactly, Varky.
Twin, in the future I'll celebrate Eid with you and your family and you Csn celebrate Christmas with mine.
Oh no. I just meant that my mom always feels that way and it's so hard for me to understand that. It's one of the characteristics for a sweet and caring person
I would like that Bloodsy. Very much c: I should just go to college in Kentucky. My parents would move with me.
Last edited by angelfire (04-08-2013 23:24:27)
75 I'm not sweet...I'm far from it...I just feel...pain. It's hard to explain. I would give away all the money I have if I could.
I plan to work hard to make enough money to help my family, but I also plan on travelling around to save people...I want to make a difference. I want to help people get jobs...I am not saying that...I really want to do it. I dream about it...I feel bad for sleeping at night when someone else is walking down the street homeless...
I also want to help more women go through college and especially working in my major.
Last edited by darkelfqueen (04-08-2013 23:25:09)
I'm wanting to open a ranch welcoming teens who just need to get away or have depression issues. Also take in abused horses and help them out.
Use natural herbs for things instead of medicine and such.
That's a great dream, Varky, and I know you'll be able to do it.
Twin, YES! UC has exactly what you need. Pre-med and graphic design.
75 UC? University of Chicago?
University of Cincinnati.
Yes! Then that's where I'll apply as my first choice.
I love both your dreams darky and Ilove. I'll probably someday visit your ranch
Last edited by angelfire (04-08-2013 23:32:18)
77 I'd help ilove!!
oh gotcha
I'll come and do speeches from time to time ilovem. I know those kids feelings well.
I don't have much of dream. I want abortion abolished.
That's a dream. I'd help with that too.
77 Same here bloodsy. it's actually ver noble....
Same here, theres no excuse for abortion.
I so badly want to know what anime this is:
78, It's nymph sora no otoshimono. :)
Last edited by saffirelle (04-08-2013 23:55:57)
Yay! Thank youthank youthankyou!!
80, Your welcome! :D
So your gonna watch it?