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Fine, since you want us to try it first I'll have the first slice.
*Eats the non-poisoned piece*
That was nice! Saffrielle you're such a good cook!
Your turn erealrose!
Here how about when this game is over we try some to celebrate! :ok:
Ah, good idea!!
But wait... how about we celebrate now instead since Team A is most likely going to win ;)?
And besides I'm sure the last time you ate was a month ago, so you must be hungryyyy.
Last edited by melodie2 (07-08-2013 21:11:46)
~And you guys can try my special cupcake~
Sure, when you try ours first :D
Oh and don't forget, your cup of tea will be cold soon! You'd better drink it now ^^
Okay!*Sips tea* Yum! This goes perfect with my virtual diet! I'm only allowed to drink and eat poisoned food@
Last edited by therealrose (07-08-2013 21:13:52)
I'm glad you enjoyed it ^^
So, how was the poison?
Great I think I'm becoming some kind of poisonous super hero!
Last edited by therealrose (07-08-2013 21:17:43)
Yup, I think so too ;)
Now it's my turn to try your cake...
*Picks up cake*
Wait... I heard something/someone.
Oh it was my mother!!
Oh no, she's calling me :(
Sorry, gotta go!
(Talk to you later and I have to really go xD. Dinner-time for me)
Last edited by melodie2 (07-08-2013 21:24:24)
Oh wait... Somethings happening to me!
therealrose has evolved into a Butterfree!
Last edited by therealrose (07-08-2013 21:25:46)
179 :aomd_nrv:
Mandy you describe my feelings perfectly!
179, Mandy.. Remember? You said that your were fine if Team A won, you remember? ;)
WHAT! She said that! Omg! :'( I have a backstabber in my team...(But it's super small so as long as you keep fighting it's fine...) :pleur:
We're going to win, erealrose.
Give it up :D
181, Yeah! I think it's best for you to give up! ;)
What about the underdog rising from the ashes and winning?
19 more to go and then it's victory for Team A :D
Last edited by melodie2 (07-08-2013 22:19:57)
:pleur: :non: