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French fries. Taste best when eaten at 10pm.
I don't alway listen to Glitch Mob, but when I do,
I sing the lyrics, instruments, and solos.
Toothpick, whiteboard, and a chair.
Me: *looking at epic fangirl worthy pin*
Sister: Oh I forgot to tell you about my dream.
Me: *Allows atention to be diverted*
Sister: I cut my hair, but it was really blah blah blah blah...
Me: Oh, cool! *returns to pin*
Sister: And then I freaked out beblah blah blah
Me: *contains glare* I'm going to ignore you, because you have overstepped your boundarys of talking to me when I am looking at hot men.
Sister: *glares*
Last edited by spiderwick9 (07-09-2013 17:25:58)