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I miss the old Demi Lovato...
And the old Miley Cyrus...
And Selena Gomez...
And most DEFINETELY Taylor Swift...
And most DEFINETELY Justin Bieber...
Why must you all CHANGE ?
No.No.No no. Nonononononononononononononononononononononononononono. NO.
Looking forward for the movie; The Moral Intruments: City of Bones ...
I find Jace Lightwood hot //
Kili... I get dibs on you!
11 ways for a Harry Potter fan To Annoy a Twilight fan
Steal their Twilight books and replace them with your Harry Potter book in the Twilight dust covers.
Tell them that Edward is a 'Hand-me-down' because Twilight only got him after Harry Potter had finished with him.
List other 'Hand-me-downs' from the books like the last names Black and Clearwater.
State that you think Edward would be hotter if he had a lightning scar on his forehead.
'Accidently' call Edward, Cedric.
Explain in detail how any wizard can possess all the gifts (seeing the future, reading mind etc.) that a vampire would only have one of.
Whenever they mention Jacob Black, innocently ask if they mean Stubby Boardman.
Say that Bella and Filch would make a good couple.
Flinch whenever they say 'Edward' and ask them to say 'You-know-who'.
Whenever they describe the vampires of the Twilight series (Sparkly skin, no fangs etc.), contradict them, and tell them what 'real' vampires, out of Harry Potter, are like.
Explain how Twilight werewolves are really Animagi and ask whether they have been registered at the Ministry..
..and watch as they try to out-think you out of THAT one. Hehehehehehehehehehehehehe
I love anthros, but I just hate drawing them.
Strike the match, play it loud, giving love to the world~
I'm just gonna flop here on my bed for the rest of forever.
Fell asleep on the bus, now I'm in Night Vale.
Trying to write a song for Justin Bieber, telling him how much I miss the old Bieber.
Oh my gosh...
My newest crush.
(Damn :love: )
Does any one else think that "laugh" should be spelled as "laph" or "laf" or even "lauph" or "lauf"??
Last time i checked... "-gh" didnt make a "fuh" sound...
Last edited by angelfire (20-08-2013 05:58:13)
A person once said, "The brain is a terrible thing to shovel."
Where have you been??
Station management is wandering around the studio. I'm gonna make a break for the door!
Can somebody hit my pinada please? :ok:
Interesting, I didn't know it was possible to obsess over a show a I haven't watched.
Come At Me, Bro!
Ahhhh, Tangled <3
Please exuse me as my next few posts will all be Black Butler themed.