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62 She's French and it's a psychology one! She's going to help me have the LI on the Frnech OMD too.
That's so speak french? O_O
62 nope. She's an american that lives in france...she speaks a little english...and o use bing translate.
63 I wish I talked French though...I made a doll on both the french omd and the German omd.
I might disappear. trying to fix my computer.
Last edited by darkelfqueen (13-08-2013 03:52:12)
64, I can maybe teach you french Darky! ;)
65 ohmygod please!!!!!
66, Well it's not one of the most easiest language.. I can tell you that! It's very hard for many people! There's a lot of rules in the french grammar and exceptions!
Last edited by saffirelle (13-08-2013 03:56:58)
YOU KNOW FRENCH SAFFI!?! TEACH ME TOO! (Love the stamps and blingee)
65, Yes I do! Even perfectly! :)
Your welcome Bloody! I thought you wasn't gonna like the Blingee because honestly I really suck at making them! >.<
Spanish has a lot of rules and exceptions, Saffi Lolz. I liked it (I suck too). Your stamps though, blow me away everytime.
65, I speak a little bit spanish, very little. Mostly the basics. Do you speak a lot of spanish tough? I want to learn how to speak spanish, italian, german, manddarin and japanese! And I wish I could catch a british and australian accent! :D
Oh and can you write in spanish?
Last edited by saffirelle (13-08-2013 04:08:11)
I can write Spanish to an extent (I need to learn more which is why I want to take Spanish 3 this year). Let's see... ¿Como te llama? ¿Cuandos es tú cupleaños? Me tengo gatos, verde de color, y ojos azule. Soy Bloody. Tengo seisciete años. Muy mal. Muy bueño.
Now you're making me think :p
65, Looks like I am awful at spanish! :P
I need to work harder on my spanish! I will maybe take some spanish course through the internet.
Sadly, I need to sleep! To tired these days! I'll try to wake up as early as I can tomorrow morning! ;)
Last edited by saffirelle (13-08-2013 05:00:17)
I learned a little japanese watching anime :) i also speak a little arabic and urdu. I also am learning latin but i guess that doesnt count...
Im now thinking to take french. Or should i just continue latin? I beed to decide soon cuz they took ASL out of my schedule saying they didnt have a teacher >.> Why would they offer it if they didnt. Have a. Teacher!??
Bc the school is dumb
My point exactly >.<
I cant even talk to my coubsler cuz the building is closef. Teachers/counselors actually come in when the students come since the new building has yet to finish.
My couselor won't answer her phone nor e-mail so I'm at a lost with switching my classes. I feel ya, Twin.
My school does that, too. Ive been trying to get an update on my progress for two months and I still have nothing...
... I just finished my last day for a month. //weeps uncontrollably. I finally had the nerve to speak with the girl I really admire, too. WE BOTH LIKE THE SAME THINGS AND CRY AT EVERYTHING///
63 awwww Rare!!!!!
Last day of summer