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Just like the title said.
This is just like the other versus games ;
We Start from 100
Raspberry Lovers +1
Strawberry Lovers -1
Get it? OK then Let's Start!
49 lolz Rare.
Oooh. Wow. I can do that ... But only if I.m watching Korra or an anime....
Hey guys. Was so surprised when I saw the JB topic closed, instant reaction was, "Oh shoot, what did I do?"
Anyway, how's everyone today?
You didn't do anything wrong. I could see it going out of hand so I closed it before it went down hill.
rarity wrote:
No problem. You're all entitled to your opinions and I respect that, but others can be sensitive when a large amount of people have the opposite opinion. It's just a precaution, sorry.
I like debates, they're insightful. But it's hard to control them here.
//Too lazy to rewrite//
I actually was laughing when I read through the JB topic this morning
When I read through it I was like, "Well. That escalated quickly."
I honestly don't know what I was expecting but reading the topic was fun :P
It wa highly entertaining to be a part of it too. Thanks xemo!
Anywhoo...i'm not trying to be rude but amm the lead singer (dunno his name) for the fray looks like voldemort.
Hehe, live to please :3
*looks up the guy* Hmm.... *covers nose* By jove, he does!
I wish I could have joined in further...had school though
I ont think I can ever look at him again...
I just realized too. Youtube sends ne emails about vids i should watch and one of the vds thumbnail pic was of him looking 3/4 to the side and mouth open wide...the normal face of voldemort i see in harry potter ads
My mom has a long lost cousin...and he's coming to our house tonight wuth his family O.o im so excited! I never thought we'd have a long lost anyone! THIS IS SOO COOL
How'd he get lost anyway?
That's actually really funny, Twin. Long lost cousin coming for a visit.
My grandfather was 11 and his mother died and father decided to get married. His aunt was like that lady would become like an evil stepmother and she took him in her care, leavung his ilder two brothers with the dad.
Years later the partion between india and pakistan happened and the aunt with my grandpa fled to pakistan, losing contact with his family. 1980ish my grandpa found contact with his brother. My mom met their sons (cousin) just a few months ago. Now they're comin here :3
Uh...interesting and confusing.
Woah. Okay. Wow. X_X
45 we have a long lost uncle and cousins once removed...i think...anyhow they were lost and now they're found :)
This'll be the first time my mom will have seen them.
I just started watching One Upon A Time~
There's a lot to watch
How many seasons?
42 Angel, that is wicked cool. ;D