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46 I thought you were a senior O_O
I'm a junior, Lolz. I'm only 16 (17 in a few months, Woohoo)
45 Woohoo you!
Rare, Everything will go better than planned! You'll see!!! :D
Technically Rare, I'm in year 11 hear. It's called the 11th grade. Aka Junior year.
O.o really?? In the country?
Its a number until hugh school. Until your in 8th grade you say 8th grade. Once you reach 9th, you say freshman in high school.
It can be confusing. It goes: Pre-School, Kindergarten, 1st grade-8th grade, freshman, sophomore, junior, senior.
45, Hello Angel! :)
-Groans- too much effort to remember that.
Oh man. I haven't even left the house yet and I've already had enough of my mother. She's currently speaking to me in this snide, condescending, sarcastic tone (which irritates me beyond end) about everything I should be doing instead of eating. -sigh- She's getting angry because I'm not a super cheery and hanging off her every word. No. I'm getting irritated because she's treating me like an idiot, then she starts complaining that I'm doing that 'teenager angst' thing and I should grow up... Are you kidding me? I can't even put in my headphones and listen to my music because then I can't listen to her talk down to me about simple English culture.
I really can't want to get on this stupid plane so I can ignore her.
Oh rare. You'll be out and away from that soon enough
Okay. So long lost cousins are setiously long lost from our house.
I know desi/arab peoples are always late but umm they said they'd be here by 6 or 7...its 8pm now...and they live an hour away...aand tgey said they havent left yet o.O
No idea how upsetting this is...
Rare, she'll be out of your hair soon enough.
Twin, an hour late! Damn
Nope not an hour late...2 hours >.> its 9 and guess wht...they're still not here
Do you know how much food my mom made? I made dessert and so did my brother and sister!! To hell with the world. What is this?? I dont even. I wasted time making one of my favorite desserts and i cant eat it cuz we have to wait for them to come. >:(
Question: are you angry about them not being there or not being able to eat Uluru favorite dessert bc of it?
Why don't your parents call and see where they are at? Or why they're late?
Oh awesome. She's going to show me how to pack.... Does she not know in a master at Tetris?
-sigh- Yeah I know... I'm just a but irked. My time here is deteriorating fast and I don't want to be in a bad mood...
45, Yeah.. Sometimes my mom is like that too.. :/
But where are you going?
Lol that means she's gonna miss you rare
Aaand only upset yhat i cant eat my lovely dessert...or anything else...because of that.
We live near DC and there could be random traffic at this time too.
I knew it was the dessert. They'll be there eventually.
Rare!! I'm pretty good at tetris. Your 18, hey is she packing for you?
But im soo hungryyy tumblr's keeping me busy though...highly interesting stuffs. I havent followed many people yet but from what i see...i dont think i'll be leaving anytime soon