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55 Malu, what happened to you?
I saw bloodsy and replied!
That was sad...
My finger's sore from cookie clicking
Eh? Nothing. :]
What was sad?
Trying out Xemo's face drawing help
55 @malu: i just feel something is so so so different.
oh bloodsy, how's it going?
It worked really well for me
Hum.. I'm bipolar? I sorta change personalities from time to time... Don't worry. I'm still weird. And under your bed.
55 Glad to hear...From both of you :P
I'm made biscuit pudding today.
55 Oooh nice! I only hate it once in my life, but loved it!
When you all come over to our house when Twin and I move in together...You better bring an appetite because I'm going to making all of my favorite desserts...K?
55 if I remember correctly, your favorite was basboosa? If so, I'll be over every day!!!
It's actually pretty easy to make!
What's Basboosa?
It's one of my favorites :) Ras Malai, and this one dessert made from milk and these little thin noodle like things that I forgot it's name are my fav favorites.
My thoughts exactly
Looks like cornbread
Is it right for me to have the cold shoulder towards Felicia?
54 it looks similar to corn bread but tastes very different.
Angel the milk it beleela?
@bloody - Yes it is.
@darky - No it's something else. I know what it is but I don't remember the name. It's a desi dessert. It's literally just milk and sugar.
54 hmmm...mehalabeya maybe? Lol. I am so curious now
Okay! I got it! I asked my mom. She said it was called Sheer Kourma:
This is my most favorite dessert ever. I have yet to find something that tops this.
Weird foods that don't look like desserts but are
55lol know it's dessert when you taste it...though I never ever heard of that last one.