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58, I am back from my very long day! I am free now! So I'll stay here as much as can for tonight. :)
60 *high fives* It was a pretty long day but very fun! I had a meeting from 10am till 11-12 am then I went and hang out with some friends and took a ride in a boat and we ate, etc.. I was great! :D
Exciting! I just stayed home all day...while our plumbing is blocked. We cant wash dishes or use the dishwasher. Everything else is okay...for now.
62, Ah.. I don't like staying at home really. I get bored very easily, so it's not very good for me to just stay home.
Welcome back Saffi
Varky, we need to figure out the next step for MU
62, Hey Bloody! :)
I don't like staying at home...But I don't like outside either :ouf:
so I found the cookie far...I got...15 million cookies...23.2 cookies per this point...what do I do with myself?
63, Cookie game? Never heard of it. Sounds interesting though. :mdr:
It's called cookie clicker.
The point of the games is literally to just click the big cookie in the middle of the screen
65, Clicking cookies? That's easy! :ok:
Yup! But try getting to 123,456,789 clicks....
67, I tried it. It's actually pretty addictive, isn't it? ;)
The COOKIES. Also I exceeded my post limit on tumblr. It's only 12noon. What do I do now? :U
...there's a post LIMIT?? Why??
Anywhoo...i am now considered a maniac by my brother (for playing the cookie clicker game)...who called me a crazy brainless idiot for loving anime...what is he doing now you ask? Watching anime.
Yep. First time I reached it though. I think it's gone now for me since it's like 12AM in America, aka. A new day! :D
Introduce him to cookie clicker. It will be perfect :U
I got. My face paint <3<3
That's it. I have had it with the long distance relationship. Fridge, you're moving to my room. COME TO ME, SWEET DELICIOUS BABY HOLDER.
Lol. I feel the same, Amary.
Seriously. I have to travel aaaallll the way downstairs through the living room to the kitchen and I might die on the way so I don't want to take that chance anymore. ;-;