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Just like the title said.
This is just like the other versus games ;
We Start from 100
Raspberry Lovers +1
Strawberry Lovers -1
Get it? OK then Let's Start!
Uh....the 9 or 10 usual, Twin? I'm suppose to be in bed by then.
School's cancelled tomorrow too XD Haha, now if only friday's cancelled too~
Bloody, the question: I'd be friendly to everyone.
Xemo: Lolz! That's nice! XD Wish My school was cancled tomorrow too... and the day after that... and after that...
101. What are you thinking about, Malu?
That is yet to be found out..
Watcha dooooing?
101. LOL! I'm browsing OMD for dolls who have almost cracked their piñata and helping them.
That's nice of ya!~ :D I should do that too buuut Internet is really slow..
Last edited by malu (21-08-2013 18:15:28)
101. Yeah, my connection's behaving incredibly well today :D
Lucky you!~ I can't remember a day mine did! -.-
101. How old is your laptop? Mine's over two years old but it's still working pretty well.
It's less than an year. It's not a laptop problem though. Internet is slow because of Amary's 2 older brothers. They're the reason the fridge is empty half of the time too. >.>''
101. Ha! I don't have that in my house: I live with two girls. Do you think you're going to move out once you've finished school?
Wanna trade lives? O.O
College or just school?
101. No thanks, I'm good with my house :p
College too?
Maybe. I think after college I'm gonna move back in with Mom and then if I get a good job I'll move to my own place.
How about you?
101. College is 16 to 18 years old, right?
I love the idea of moving out. It just feels like I'd have more freedom. I'd like to move further into London.
Nope. I think I'll still be doing O levels by then or maybe A levels.. College here from 18.
I always wanted to go to UK. So does my mom.
101. Oh, okay. It's probably the same here.
Really? I love London. A lot. Even though I plan on travelling when I'm older I'll probably always want to live here. Have you ever been to England?
Are you from England?
101. Nope, I'm actually part French, part Spanish and part Italian (plus a whole load of other countries). But I've lived here since I was five.
GTG, it's dinnertime. See you later if you're still on!