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95 Malu!!!! You're driving me crazy! Can't deicde which version of Egypt to do!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH
There's with hair, there's with covered hair. There's modern. There's ancient...
Actually...I just got an idea! And perfectly fitting for the flag colors!
Anyways, aloha! oh and pmed back!
Last edited by darkelfqueen (21-08-2013 21:12:49)
I live near the equator in the Indian Ocean where it's summer and heavy rain with LOVELY power cuts every few days, Saffi!~ :P
Glad I'm doing my job then, Darky!! <3
Last edited by malu (21-08-2013 21:14:54)
Evil Malu :P I can't wait to get home though and see how much the outfit is gonna cost...since I own nothing from it...
I signed up, Malu
Varky, when will you be able to RP? I want to be able to save my battery till then.
95 around 5:30 your time
See ya then hopefully
Amazing, Darky. You know the outfit and what your gonna but even when you don't have any of ze items. O.O
Can I pwease take your brain?
Yup! I was waiting, Bloody <3 *happyyoujoined*
95 lolz actually...It was an outfit I thought of before and was going to use it for the fashion show, but had no money. THis time, I'm making a slight change and it would fit perfectly...I hope...I just hope everything perfectly...
Question though, can I use a different alt for each round?
Sure! Why not? :D
Ilooooove <3
Malluuuuu!! <3
My first sig I made myself :3
I wanna eat a Submarine..
Sounds... crunchy... XD
I like it! (your sig/av) :D
91, Ouf! I just had an extremely cold shower/bath right now.
96 hmmm...$126 is needed for the outfit... I have $28 of them. Hmmm
I wanna eat ice..
What? O.O That sounds expensive!
96 hmm yeah, but it's an outfit I like.
I already have a thought in mind. Spanish outfits are so lovely and its going to be fun to make!
96 I love Spanish outfits! The reason I chose Egypt is because I've never thought of an Egpytian outfit before and it would be fun working on the different side of Egypt.
Anyways, Rare emailed me today and is saying and I quote,
Just asking you to let the girls know I'm doing well and that I miss them. <3
Last edited by darkelfqueen (22-08-2013 00:13:19)
I miss her :pleur:
I'm going to be so busy my senior year :hypn:
I chose Germany last year and was out the first round. I'm hoping to make it farther this time.
96 uh...I never make it past the first round in round competitions...Then again I only joined two since I came on OMD.