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113 uh...5?
A biiiit more.
113 7?
113, 7 or 8 packets? It surprises me a lot that there's some left.. ;)
Last edited by saffirelle (22-08-2013 23:49:21)
LOL! Yup, Saffi!~ :D
I'm now on wiki judging how pretty the Miss Universe' are. They're ok.
113 I always feel that they are so...synthetic.
You have a right to be scared, Varky. MWHAHA!
-_- My dads yelling at me for getting a C on the quiz today. We had 2 days to learn 60 new words and our definitions were way different than the ones on the quiz.
113 can still bring it up!
and uh...I'm really scared now!
That makes my class grade a C. Of course I'll bring it up. He want me to quit reading and OMD and spend more of my time studying. He wants to take away the 2 things I enjoy most.
I love the first one though. So pretty..
113 He's probably mad at the moment. Just give him some time.
hmmm...which one is it?
Armi Kuusela
113 wow. She actually is beautiful...and doesn't look like plastic.
She was only 17 when she won the crown in 1952. She's still alive and fabulous.
this is her now ~ Still really pretty!
Last edited by malu (23-08-2013 00:23:26)
He's not. He doesn't like that I really enjoy them. They're childish to him.
I'm gonna study and write this fanfic.
Took a tour of the new building we're moving into and at the end...I got to see my schedule even though I wasn't supposed to. 2 out of the three teachers I wanted I got. YES!
AP English and APUSH. Physics I got my second choice teacher :)
Well, I need to go to bed. Good Night <3
Sweet, Twin
:) I'm a little happier now. My mom also said that she would let the year go one quarter and then see how low my grades get before she takes me out of all extracurricular activities.
At least you're happy about something school related.
113 ... A cousin of my friend got killed...
WHAT?! HOW?!?!
(Side note: fanfic complete. It's 6 pages and I'll hopefully get it posted tomorrow afternoon)
114 yeah....he got beaten up then shot....
Why the hell would anybody even do that? We live in such a cruel world.