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It's 4 AM. And I can't sleep.
It's okay Varky. I'm trying to resign myself from here again slowly. I won't completely disappear but I'll be infrequent. I'll read the reasoning when I got time. Battery is literally about to die any second.
Well I'll still be here on and off like now but still here
We are here! Just got a bit of time to let yall know we arrived and are freezing oir bums off. Gotta go. Will post pictures when we get to the land of the living!
113 Hi :mdr:
112, So silent.. No one is on here.. I'm the only one.. *sigh*
I now have a charger
112 FINALLY! I'm almost gonna cry right now!
Lolz, it's a pretty sweet one at that
112, That's great! :D
113 SAFFI!
:D For me, I'm glad you have a charger. ANY CHARGER!
Lolz, it's retractable and has 3 different chargers on it at once. It's practically universal!
Also, took your pic and posted it on the contest. Dia was hispanic??!!!
hmmm...And I might let you see my entry when I'm done with it..>Well...when it's done for now. I won't post it for a while since I'm still debating something.
Oh and I'm working on your sig!
@Saffi: Yeah! I'm so sorry. I was so out of it. I feel a bit better. I tired myself out yesterday to avoid the panic attacks. I did wake up several times at night feeling as if someone was choking me, but...well...I did sleep for a few hours!
Last edited by darkelfqueen (25-08-2013 03:40:11)
114, DARKY!!! It feels like it's been a while since we've last talk.. Don't ya think? And how are you feeling these days? I hope you are doing well, at least a little better than before...
@Bloody: 3 different charger?! That's very useful!
@Darky: That's good. At least you slept more than usual. :)
Did you try mediating a little bit?
Last edited by saffirelle (25-08-2013 03:42:21)
Since I started with her? The girl I used for her pic was Hispanic. I'd love to see your outfit. Don't ask me how many roses I bought for the top and the belt. It was so many... :hypn:
Sweet!! Can't wait to see it. Our twin sig is looking great as well.
115 Lemme take a pic.
And lol I'm counting them!
@Saffi: Well...I'm trying energy control...Ever heard of it?
Last edited by darkelfqueen (25-08-2013 03:44:27)
I read about that before my iPod died last night. I'm here for you. I understand you don't want to move out but what if you move in with a friend you trust in your area? You get some alone time, time with friends, and you can always visit your family without them wanting you for everything?
I think it was...15?
115 ...Well...that's the problem. I trust no one in my area. The three friends I trust...(Other than you, Rare and OMD friends) are in Egypt, Atlanta and London!
15?! OHmygod! It's BEAUTIFUL though! Sylvain would be so...awestruck, hehe.
@saff: Yeah maybe. But I'm too afraid of the thoughts that would jump to my head.
It's basically ways (proven scientific ways) to clean your aura and hence your health. it really woks!
I decided to go for Modern-ish Egyptian style...With some fantasy elements.
Last edited by darkelfqueen (25-08-2013 03:50:28)