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116, Nope. never heard of it.. What is it? You should maybe try yoga too. It might help you to calm yourself and hopefully stop the panic attacks. :)
Great! If it works, continue doing that and you might get better soon enough! :)
117 Yeah...One of the things you do in it...and I swear I didn't believe it would work until I noticed a few mins ago it did was...Put a glass of salt in a room for a few hours...Absorbs negative energy. Can you believe that?
darkelfqueen wrote:
115 ...Well...that's the problem. I trust no one in my area. The three friends I trust...(Other than you, Rare and OMD friends) are in Egypt, Atlanta and London!
15?! OHmygod! It's BEAUTIFUL though! Sylvain would be so...awestruck, hehe.
I decided to go for Modern-ish Egyptian style...With some fantasy elements.
Last edited by darkelfqueen (25-08-2013 04:00:30)
Then pour me ten! :p
117, I usually don't believe those kind of things such as "negative energy" but some of them do work. Last year was probably the worst year of my life. I was in depression and wasn't feeling well, wasn't in a good mood. Then I tried something to stop my depression, and it actually worked. I don't really remember very well what it was.. But it worked and helped me a lot!
Last edited by saffirelle (25-08-2013 03:56:20)
118 lol ilove. Actually I found out that several of the things my family learned from old traditions that go back to Ancient Egypt...They were pretty much what the modern science prove!
Aww Saffi! I wish you remembered lol. My depression comes and goes...But it had been very hard in the last five years or so.
Last edited by darkelfqueen (25-08-2013 03:57:10)
Ohmygod Varky. That's beautiful! think Sylvain will??
I'm tempted of typing the whole fanfic in my iPod notes! It'll take a while but I really want to post it.
That also bites...there's no one you trust there?
115 Nooope...I feel like most of the people I know here are just...they are not necessarily fake, but they don't really care.
Thanks. It looks weird right now which is why I don't wanna post it.
Hello. I KNOW Sylvain. I KNOW he will!
116, Me too! I wish I could remember! If I did I could help you more! I feel so bad for forgetting it! Actually the last 2-3 years have been very hard for me. But last year was the worst. i was constantly in depression then out then in. it was almost hell for me. But now it's in the past. And hopefully it won't come back. :)
Last edited by saffirelle (25-08-2013 04:01:02)
Lucky, Saffi
That bites then...Varky, we gotta do something for MU....maybe they should dress as their monsters for orientation?
116, I am lucky enough that those days are finally over.
117 @saff: I wish you never have to go through that EVER again. Like never ever ever.
@bloodsy: I was just gonna ask. We could do that so I can take pics for the IDs, too...Post or should I?
Last edited by darkelfqueen (25-08-2013 04:05:52)
118, I wish the same for you too. :)
You're better with word play when it comes to contest parts.
117...I can argue with that, Professor Georgina! How long should the task be? Two weeks? A month?
@Saffi: So what were you up to the last few days?
Last edited by darkelfqueen (25-08-2013 04:14:17)
118, Pretty much nothing.. Well I bought some school supplies that I'll be needing for college. I bought this cute hello kitty notebook. I know that it's kinda baby-ish for college but it's cute and worth it! And it wasn't expensive. :P
119...I'm a senior student in college...wanna see what I have on my desk at home?
Last edited by darkelfqueen (25-08-2013 04:15:40)
120, Oh! Fiou! I tought I was the only one! :P
I will purchase more cute things online. Like Rilakkuma stickers and notebook! :3
121 Ri...what?
I am actually...waiting eagerly for the new Yugioh Dragon Card deck to come out in September...And I gave my room a make over to be totally in pink, white and rose...and well...cutie a pikachu chibi.
I have an Iron Man and Advengers folders. Nothing can beat those.
2 weeks should be plenty of time.
122, Rilakkuma!
That's Rilakkuma:
And I want to buy some plushies and squishies/squishy maker too! :D
119 @saffI:awww cute! I was actully telling my mom that I am holding myself from buying a plushie collection.
@bloodsy: Awesome then. Posting now. What about humans though?
Last edited by darkelfqueen (25-08-2013 04:23:31)
120, But I prefer squishies! Because we can squish them! :P
I've made an orange plushies with some orange felt. i'll try post a pic.. maybe tomorrow?
121 I sooo wanna see! And yeah squishies are cute too! I wanna get one that looks like a duck!
The humans have to dress up as well. They have to make it like a school picture though. So perfect hair, perfect make-up, right clothes, etc.