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Just like the title said.
This is just like the other versus games ;
We Start from 100
Raspberry Lovers +1
Strawberry Lovers -1
Get it? OK then Let's Start!
saffirelle wrote:
137, WHAT?! Gray is not yours at all! He's completely mine! I claimed him long ago!
Last edited by angelfire (26-08-2013 04:48:58)
139, Since when you stole my Gray?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!? :aomd_nrv:
I havent...Gray fell to my fourth favorite guy in FT... :ouf:
141, Ah okay! I tought you stole MY beloved Gray (as Juvia would say: beloved gray)! :P
A little bit of love? This is my fave part in the 5th ova of FT:
Jerza! <33
In that ova Erza's swimming suit got ripped while she went on the "Love-Slide" with Jellal! But they didn't slide in purpose, it was an accident. And he accidently touched her "chest" too.. :bisous:
Lol! That is just too adorable ^^
143, it's L-O-V-E!!!!!!! :bisous:
Here's the part where he touches her "chest":
Last edited by saffirelle (26-08-2013 05:03:19)
It definitely looks like an accident :D
144, it is. :)
But a good accident!
It wasn't in purpose. He saw Ichiya fying through the pool and tought that he was a monster (LOL! :mdr: ). So he pushed Erza to try saving her from the "monter". And he ended up by touching her "chest"! :P
BTW, that's Ichiya:
He loves Erza!
I will go sleep now! See you tomorrow morning If I am not to busy! Good night!
Last edited by saffirelle (26-08-2013 05:10:00)
Nighty night! I'll have to see the OVAs now ^^ I don't usually watch them.
I'll be going now too :) See ya tomorrow!
Last edited by angelfire (26-08-2013 05:15:30)
Same here.
FYI, I HATE Ichiya
Poets of the Fall <3
Oh? Is that a band?
Yes! They're really good
138 *yawn* mooooooooooooooooorning
Morning, Varky
138 NICE SiGGGY! Very nice! So perfect for you two!
Gracias. The siggy's are Twins amazing power
138 lolz. Sweeeet. Randomly much...this time last year was when I started coming on OMD more regularly...and on the 15 th of september it's the LI's birthday.
Awe, sweet.
Late reply due to soccer and wifi wanting to quite >.<
138 It's alright. I was offline anyways!
Gotta check 'em out then.
Morning or w/e it is now, Darky :D
It's still morning, Xemo.
Great. So I didn't miss anything then.