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137 Moooooorning oh amazing xemo!
and yup bloodsy
Last edited by darkelfqueen (26-08-2013 15:47:09)
Jell should of killed him when they had the chance :ok:
137, Hello, hello!
bloodyemos wrote:
Same here.
FYI, I HATE Ichiya
I don't HATE him but i think his kinda annoying.. But funny. I can't believe that jellal tought he was a monster and tried saving erza from "the monster"! :lol:
@Bloody: That's evilllll!!! But I like it tough! :P
I'm an evil person. Ichiya drove me nuts.
137, Yeah but he's still funny I think.. You want to know what's his power is?
It's to transform in this:
Last edited by saffirelle (26-08-2013 15:59:19)
I know. I'm past that part. I'm where they're getting close to getting out of Edolas.
137, Oooooooo! Lucky you! I am almost at edolas. Two or three more episodes and I am at EDOLAS! But I can't continue watching.. The rest is not dubbed!! :pleur:
Last edited by saffirelle (26-08-2013 16:13:40)
*covers eyes*
138, Hey Angel! I love your new twin signature and bloody's one! Very beautiful! You made them right?
Morning Twin
Yeah i did :3 thank you!
Its the first time i didnt use my drawing tablet. Thefrustration to get the outline @.@ that took three days.
150, You're so good at it! I am gonna buy a graphic "drawing" tablet this week or the next one. Any advice on which one I should buy?
The company should be wacom (i think that's how you spell it)
Depending on how much you'll use it and what you'll use it for, you have three options. They're all on their website. I cant remember what they all are...and im on my phone >.< i'll send you more info when i ge on my computer :3
151, Okay. Good. I was gonna buy Wacom Bamboo or something like that..
152 I have a Wacom bamboo. I'm still a beginner though, so no idea how It compares to the others.
153, I heard that it was a good one. I will buy the cheapest one I can find. Around $50 - $70. I found a store where it's in special for $54.99 or so. I might go buy it today..
Last edited by saffirelle (26-08-2013 16:45:23)
154, Not now. It's raining outside! >.<
Oh oh oh, I found a tablet on ebay or something that's a pretty good one for beginners it's really good and can even compare to really expensive Wacom bamboo tablets I'll PM you the link if you want :D I have it on my wishlist XD
154, yes! PM it to me! :D