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125 ... I hate people like those. Really one of my pet peeves...Wish I could send Mattie to her.
Nope...leaving a guy alone in this state is only a recipe for trouble...I suggest just asking him to go out and do something he likes...Ignore any problems that happened and just focus on having a good time...That should fix it...Guys are like kids...Short attention span, lol.
I wish I could
Yeah, I learned that the hard way, lol. He does go out more often now with his friends, it's just that nowadays he feels like we are on different time zones since we hardly get a minute alone to just be together, you know?
127 I know. It seems like it amary....and the more he spends time alone or with friends without you, the worse it will get...go do something!!!
Cheer up bloodsy!!
Not much I can do these days. Not until a few more days, anyway because graduation is only a month away and I still have to submit five of my assignments.
126 Even a movie night Amary? Maybe he can even hang around while you work on the assignments? Naaah...for get the last idea. Too distracting.
I seriously think a movie night is best. You need a break. You won't be able to survive a whole month that way.
A movie night would be hard to pull off since mom still doesn't like Aman hanging around after dinner at night. ;-;
128 ehemmm...a movie before dinner. Have dinner together...then he leaves? You need a break. He needs time with you... Doesn't matter when. Doesn't have to be at night.
Sorry, was in the middle of a fight.. again. Sigh.
130 amary....seriously. It's important. Ask him over the weekend to come and wach a movie then have dinner or something...
This is just getting a bit too frustrating and I just can't deal with his mood swings right now. He's mad that I didn't call him all day (phone was dead, was charging it) and didn't text (again, couldn't text cuz I was FRIGGING CHARGING THE DAMN PHONE). I mean, he should know by now that I don't have a charger which means I have to charge it by USB which means I have to have it plugged to my laptop the whole day.. He knows this and still is picking a fight about it.
132 again...guys are like kids...they can act pretty stubbornly and childishly at times...don't take that too aggravating as it can get.
This has been going on for days now! The constant fighting and sort of making up and again fighting and it's always my fault because I 'obviously' did something wrong! Gah. So maddening!
@Ilovem I want to murder too many people in TMI the books
133 *sigh*...Ignore him for a few hours...can you do that? talking right now is a VERY BAD idea...for both of you.
.-. which book you on?
I finished City of Lost Souls last night.
Loved that book <33 But ya...... ALEC AND MAGNUS FOREVER!
Ya i know... But Alec should have seen that coming NOT THAT HARSH THOUGH.
Ikr? You don't say I want to grow old with you, kiss him, and then say it's over. Just no.
128 awww....That sounds bad! SO bad!