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:aomd_bave: :aomd_bave: :aomd_bave:
Magnus is heart melting
I'll take Alec <33
Also... how long has it been in the rp >.> Kinda wanna skip the whole pregnancy thing with Lily...
so we made up.. I pressed to make dinner plans, he said he might have some stuff to do by then (family moving somewhere, not him though) but he'll find a way.
She can have the baby If you. I think time went pretty fast,
Mkay... ima just say this is their 2nd day with the baby... Now I gotta find pictures.... DARKY... What was those names you came up with? XD
I see the baby with more of dante's traits .-.
128 Yup ilove. It's been way too long :D uh...Wasn't it a girl? We said...uh...I forgot!
Good to hear amary! Now have a cookie! *pats your head*
Last edited by darkelfqueen (28-08-2013 17:41:30)
My favorite:
Last edited by ilovem12 (28-08-2013 17:43:49)
hehe the first one is just too cute x3 Wasn't the daughter going to be named after Dante's little sister?
126 Yeah...I don't remember her name though :pleur:
And totally the 1st one!
I should probably sleep soon.
Also, I'll be leaving and I won't have internet Friday and Saturday D:
Measuring bones is too much work
0_0 why are you measuring bones, bloody?
I have to. Class thing for the academy.
I'll be going to the school's freshman orientation in about 2 hours.
Lucy + Loke. They're so cute :love:
They are <3 Even though Loke loves Libra
Update: I talked to my counselor. I have to wait for the AP teacher to see if I get switched in...which I'll find out in the morning. If so, I loose Recreational Sports (YES) and English 3B because it's 1st period all year. I would have to take my English 3A and B online. I can still be in Culinary Arts and I'll have to figure out what to put in the other 2 slots.
Next year, I can shadow at the hospital through the Academy. If I take Gym first trimester, then I can I shadow the rest of my senior year. That's my hopes anyways.
121 That sounds awesome to me, bloodsy! The new schedule.
AWESOME! Fight for this! Perfect for your resume...You should actually start building it. You, too, angel...Tell me if you need help with that.
Already have! I put it on NAVIANCE (a site for students to be college prepared)
123 Aaaand...Well...It's my personal advice anyways...Create a professional blog+ website...Write about everything you learn...Any events you attend related to your profession. Really helps!