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150,about the 13th?
Last edited by darkelfqueen (03-09-2013 03:22:24)
Alrighty then :) I have to get to work. I'll send them all to you no later than the 8th
I'll see, okay? No promises.
Varky, when you get a chance, can you fix my WIA? The parts are below the background. You wanted to mix two parts and I was fine with that.
151 ah sure!!! And if you prefer to work on a halloween one for october issue. That's fine, too!
Thanks angel!
Sure varky will fix them tomorrow!
I can create a wicked Halloween one!
Thank you! Oh, you should read TMI fanfic comments on MattiexSylvain
151 Awesome then it's settled!!!! So, you'll email me the outfits parts, where to find them (page numbers) and price of each part!
*narrows eyes* Should I be worried?
Last edited by darkelfqueen (03-09-2013 03:35:05)