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136. 'Course I am Bloody, didn't you know?
Saff, you too? Do I type like I'm older? XD
The accent I'm really starting to love is the Texan accent. Don't ask why.
Last edited by keiramarina (01-09-2013 22:38:17)
Yes you do. I thought you were my age!
136, I don't know why but I thought you where bloody's age!
137. Well, I've never been told that before.
Bloody, Saff, just as a random question: are you guys tall for your age?
See?! You're like my sisters age....odd...
Nope. I'm way too short for my age. 5'6" is average and I'm 4'11"
Last edited by bloodyemos (01-09-2013 22:43:00)
137. *blinks* 4'11? Wow, I'm about 5'6.
128 I'm 5' 4"...So...uh average to short?
And emailed you bloodsy!
I dunno how I knew your age, Keira, but I knew your real age lol...Maybe you told me at some point.
Either I told you before or you're really good at getting people's age from what they write Darky :)
Last edited by keiramarina (01-09-2013 22:47:12)
140, I am around 5'8.. or 5'9.. Around those 2!
My older sister was 5'10 - 5'11 when she was 13.. No kidding! She was very tall!
Last edited by saffirelle (01-09-2013 22:48:56)
131 Nope I suck at that, so you must've told me :D
Last edited by darkelfqueen (01-09-2013 22:48:29)
141. Holy... THIRTEEN??? Really?
Lol, I'm sure I did :)
142, Yup! Very tall! But now she's 21 years old.
143. Is she still the same height?
I know...I'm super short for my age.
E-mailed back
Last edited by bloodyemos (01-09-2013 22:54:24)
142, No, no! She's taller now! I feel like a hobbit next to her! xD
She's maybe a little more than 6 feet..? I am not sure. But I pretty much feel like a hobbit! :P
143. Okay, time's up, I need to sleep. See you tomorrow!
143, Good night Keira! Sleep well! :)
144 Nighty night Kiera
142 Two steps from hell are so epic!
Lolz, e-mailed you
142 Oh...I replied!
Mom thought I was declaring war when she heard them , LOL.
143, Lol! Really? :mdr: