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166 Sorry had a meeting!
How about this? She looks demonic.
There's also this. Pretty demonic.
Last edited by darkelfqueen (03-09-2013 18:59:34)
Its okay Darky. :)
And kyaaa~ I found her when I accidentally clicked the next button on your pick.
She is supposed to be a bed-mate after all. :P
Gotta present and pay attention to presentations so I'll be back in a while
167 Okay! :D
168's pretty and very scary..perfect choice...Naughty Mattie!
Ikr? :P posted her intro~
110 :D saw. Matt is in for a ride.
Gah. I don't know if I'm playing her right. .-. feels weird.
112 You'll get the hang of her. I already love her.
I sure hope so. :D
114 so why does she want matt? Revenge? Does she miss him?
She wants closure! Like, find out why he left her and stuff. I guess she just doesn't like leaving things unfinished. :D
:pleur: My ipod fell out of my pocket on the bus and...i might not get it back till tomorrow AFTER the Academy. I'm hoping to be able to go to the bus garage tonight to recieve it.
115 NOOO! Yeah try to do that!!! Hope you get it back really really really soon!
Last edited by darkelfqueen (03-09-2013 21:32:50)
That sounds horrible! DX Hope you get it back asap~
The first day of school = Perfect! I got the classes I wanted, new building, teachers are amazing, new building, my friend didn't move and she's back, new building, i talked to someone who's a friend of a friend (we know each other but haven't talked much) and she's awesome, new building, classmates are great, and a NEW BUILDING!!!
The worst thing about all this is that I might move at the end of the year since my dad's job people had told him he has to retire by the end of August 2014. My senior year :pleur:
Well....I won't get it back till tomorrow. :pleur:
Twin, you must text me tomorrow about the job issue w/ your dad