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Just like the title said.
This is just like the other versus games ;
We Start from 100
Raspberry Lovers +1
Strawberry Lovers -1
Get it? OK then Let's Start!
That quiz was way too easy and I officially like too many guys
149 had to leave work early because am so tired :pleur:
That gives us more time with you!
149 Yeah. That was actually the only thing that made me smile about it. :)
How's it going meine Bloodsy?
I'm great!
I flirted with a guy and got a hug today
149 Oh sneaky sneaky amooooooooooor....Sorry couldn't resist :)
A hug from whoooooom, bloodsy?
I'm up to date with your life ^^ Congrats again, twin!
Gonna do a quick dance excercise. Brb
From the guy I flirted with :)
Varky, can you take the screenshot of my main in het loft for "Miss OMD"? it's kinda a scene so you'll need the whole loft section there.
150 O_O....I can't stop crying listening to "I will always love you".
On it!
I think I know that song
150 Posted!
I think I am hormonal or something...I can't seem to get a hold or my emotions.
I LOVE your entry!!!
You getting close to starting?
The one for Miss OMD?
150 Yeah...Which is partially why I am home :)
Yes! love love love the scene! Hope you win!
Almost done with the LI finally! Only have Angel's second article left...and the outfit! Posted a peek at the cover.
Last edited by darkelfqueen (05-09-2013 22:41:17)
I see
Really? O_O I don't think it's all that great...though I'm broke again on my main :ouf: The red outfit is actually my cosplay outfit. It's for Vivaldi the Queen of Hearts from the manga Alice in the Country of Hearts/Joker/Clover. There's actually a purple wig for it. Tomorrow, I shall try to work on the outfit you wanted.
150 Thanks!!!
No prob. After the outfit, I'll start sending all my crap on orangeblossoms to the shooting room to make it an attic
150 You don't have plans for room? I wanted to use it for Halloween at some point, but now...I dunno
It'll make things easier to load if it was an I'd have more room to separate stuff since it's bigger than the loft. I gotta save up or skip the next quest at this rate.
150 I do have some on Janelle and Stef...But stef needs a specific style...jan...well...she can get away with things.
Most of mine are under 100...I have 2...above
150 hmmm....Thanks to this quest Val and my main are broke. Then there's Lola...she's still saving up. broke due to the last quest and the replay.
I didn't get to finish the replay :(
I barely made it...thanks to an extra db
If you're down 3 on Val, why don't you watch the videos for an extra db?