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117 wow...this place gets weirder and weirder.
Lol ^^
Oy you're not done being a penguin yet! *Throws oil to make Amary slip*
nooooooooooo. DX
120 ...
121 Darky!! Save meee~
121 but...I love penguins.
i am not one! DX
123 Poor Amary...Fine...Get behind me. I shall protect you with my sneaky sneaky amor powers.
We should add some feathers on you so you could be more penguin like ^^
123 *gets behind darky*
124 I hold a long cucumber...And I am not afraid to lose it!
LOL cucumber?! :P
126 Yup. Refreshing when you get hungry too!
i love having cucumbers on my face!
128 They are amazing for chipped lips too!
Oh God now it all sounds so wrong. o.O
130 LOL. Didn't mean it that way!!!! AMARY!
Oh God. xD
132 Sick!!
Anyways...What're you up to my penguin friend?
133 Searching through my old pics.. found this one>>
I remember us taking that on our anniversary. I think. .-.
That's so cute!
Last edited by angelfire (07-09-2013 20:04:15)
134 awwwww
Ah hes super cute in it! Now he cut his awesome hair and made a mess of it. :pleur:
Last edited by amaryllis-love (07-09-2013 20:07:57)
135 lolz. Ask for it for your birthday ;)