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Just like the title said.
This is just like the other versus games ;
We Start from 100
Raspberry Lovers +1
Strawberry Lovers -1
Get it? OK then Let's Start!
194 I'm alright! Well...a bit pissed, but nothing major :D You?
I'm sorta OK.
Watcha'all dooooing?
APUSH Q's and listening to Scary Movie 4 in the other room.
193 oooh...I'm finishing the last two articles in the LI and posting it.
I should be doing home-work too but I forgot le questions and forgot to write it down too. D:
-somewhere out there is a person shaking her/his head at Malu-
I've done that, Malu
I probably won't be able to see it till tomorrow after school, Varky. It won't all fully load for me.
193 I know :) It's gonna be there all month, so no hurries :D
I know. I'm gonna try to get on tonight and do some things so that I won't have to worry about getting money when I get on tomorrow.
194 Gotcha...Val is still $2 short of finishing the quest. Everytime I try the videos, she gets nothing.
That bites. I wish I could send you 2$$.
So is Serena a heaven sent or a devil's advocate?
195 A heaven. She's too sweet.
lolz. it's okay :D
195 How much do you have left in APUH?
KADEEE!!! YOUR BACK!! I saw your not doing dvs until i catch up on people i missed