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187 lolz I remember that scene. He was like "I thought I should let you know" and then faints. I miss that guy!
It's the most memorable scene in the whole series
Let me know when you post the LI. I'm gonna try to get on and see it tonight.
187 I'm on it. It just takes time to upload the pages and post.
As soon as you post it, I'm getting on. *crosses fingers in hope*
187 I am trying to post it before anyone in my family interrupts me again. Wish me luck!
Good luck!
HI DARK! I can't wait to see the new issue. <3
That's goo to hear Bee. Always remember to take some time to yourself. I'm a strong believer of not studying for 5000 hours a night.
This is the first time I've worked that hard on school
Good. Keep it up, but you always need down time too. So many people I know are over worked, stressed and have anxiety from their workload. They study about 6 hours a night on top of 6 hours at school. I think that for one, highly unfair and two, too much for 17/18 year old younglings.
I remember when the girl who received the dux for her year last year was severely degraded by our teachers because she told everyone to study no longer than 3 hours. I also hate how education is based on how well you can remember the answers answers and write essays... That there is only one way that teachers will teach you information and if you don't understand, then you're pretty much an idiot.
As we all know, I have the attention span of 6 seconds, the memory of a sieve and I work best in practical situations. I'm glad Australia has brought a new program that helps people like me, and we graduate with the same qualifications as the academic people, but the program I'm in is ridiculed, for stupid, lazy people etc.
Sigh. Sorry, I'm passionate about this topic.
185 I actually can relate Rare. While I can keep my attention on certain topics, there are some instances when I can be very very veyr restless and I can't help but not listen at all!!! I know it's not the same, but I can imagine.
I really don't care how much you study or how you study, as long as you are doing well!
And FINALLY posted the LI. FINALLY!
Last edited by darkelfqueen (08-09-2013 23:24:01)
I normally don't study so I have to learn.
I'll see asap Varky. Moms on the computer -_-
186 I sometimes don't study at all...Depends on the subject...There are soem things that I feel like I do best when I don't cloud my memory.
Take your time, meine Bloodsy.
186 Anything special at school tomorrow?
184 Are you okay?
184 I'm assuming not...
Did I upset you in anyway?
Last edited by darkelfqueen (08-09-2013 23:48:19)
184 I'm kinda getting worried here...
It's trivial
184 Not if it ruined your mood this way.
bloodyemos wrote:
It's trivial