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Just like the title said.
This is just like the other versus games ;
We Start from 100
Raspberry Lovers +1
Strawberry Lovers -1
Get it? OK then Let's Start!
angelfire wrote:
LOL! Haha! Yes. Because that is what we are useful for
HA! I got the part right this time. Take that board fate
Last edited by angelfire (13-09-2013 03:29:25)
129 lolz it's okay. I'm sure he would be happy for you! He actually turned out to be more romantic than I thought...It's the genes maybe?
A romantic? *sigh*
130 I told him of how my friend proosed to his girlfried and he was like, ”he could have been more romantic. It's a time of your life.”
I've been debating on killing Xenakis :/
130 No!!!!!
Why? I'm out of the rp anyways and Demeter wants her dead
Jump in! That could be our new thing. Getting Demeter to not go after Xenakis
I don't like jumping in. I have to be up to date and I can't if I don't read and I can't if I don't have time
Again, why not? She's not important
Morning. Today's the day to actually hang with friends after school Yay! Amary, did you hear the news? He kissed me yesterday! Now Varky and Malu want to make a Kayler club, they're shipping us so hard already.
130 so we can make one?!!!!!!
Sorry about last night...fell asleep. :pleur:
As for Xennie, we're not going to be even in the same arc, so she can easily.catch.up. They are gonna be on the run.
I'll be fun <3
130 We can plan their wedding!!!
I was thinking Red..
130 hmmmm...Red and....white? Silver!
131 OMG!! Why wasn't I here for that?! >.>
*runs away and hides*
131 Come out come out wherever you are!
PMed a mod, darky?
I was thinking each tier of the cake could be different flavors!
Last edited by malu (13-09-2013 14:46:35)