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119 Finally found the Victor Krum song!
Viktor, I love you
Viktor, I do
When we're apart
My heart beats only for youuu
Darky's post just reminded me of it. :P
120 Which post again? :D
oooh nice, Saffi! What are your plans then?
Sadly, I loved that song
darkelfqueen wrote:
Saffi oh saffi!
121, Mostly relaxing! Stalking the boards.. :P
It's rainning very strong outside today. And i don't want to get socked wet like I was yesterday. xP
122 oooh right, Amary :D
Sounds good to me Saff.
122 It's pretty heavy rain over here too Saffi. :D
I'm getting rain. I swear if it pours tonight then I'll be pissed
I love Rain <3
Me too but not when I have plans
Me too Bloodsy. But as I intend on staying in, I don't mind it one bit. :D
Once mom comes home, I'll take a pic of ze drawing on her phone and post it here~
118 YESH!
I have a feeling it's gonna rain here too...Seems like bloodsy gets the weather before we do these days :P
Bloodsy remind me to fix your W|A thingy this weekend!
It rained yesterday -_-
I will Varky and I can't wait Malu!
118 It seems cloudy enough here :ok:
It's Fall isn't it?
Lucky you! You'll get snow in a few months.
:pleur: :pleur: :pleur:
We'll only get more sun!!
Last edited by malu (13-09-2013 16:37:58)
118 No...Not lucky...I'll have to fight for survival again!!!!
And unlike Bloodsy's state, we rarely ever get snow days off. We get twelve inches and still have to go to work and classes...How? beats me! The busses can't even move!
Last edited by darkelfqueen (13-09-2013 16:39:29)
119, It's been raining for the past 3 days.. :/
120 It's been raining on and off here this week. Can't say I don't like it. :D
121, I really don't like rain. It's just bores me too much.
Last edited by saffirelle (13-09-2013 16:51:29)
I love rain. It helps me sleep. :D
Peanuts help you sleep too. Something about Zinc..
122 Peanut butter <3