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193's got like 40% left now...I wont be on much during the next 2 periods and I'll charge it during Pre-Cal
199 ONE more!!!
*does the boogeyman dance*
Victory dance!!!!
We are house hunting!
102 House hunting? Moving?
103 Yeah we are supposed to move out by next month cuz the rent just went waaay up.
103 awww Rare!!! would be ready for next year, right? might surprise you!
And Rare...Missed Rie!!!
oooh...I hear you. Had to do that about...a year ago?
Last edited by darkelfqueen (17-09-2013 15:45:25)
104 *hug* Don't worry, it might turn up sooner than you think!
I certainly hope so! Otherwise it means I'll have to wait until April to go to any cons... I'm just too lazy to make my Erza one... Even though I have everything. </3
Missed Rie? As in Rieful? We haven't RP'd in the FT for a while...
104 Ahh I wanna go to a comic-con.. so bad. >.<
105 We have when you were gone actually. Just a little. And yup...Isn't that her nickname?
I have a good feeling you'll get it, Rare!
I almost went to one in May, but...had a project's deadline move to the exact same day and...:pleur: :pleur: :pleur:
104 Oh Darky, that's incredibly sad! *hug*
104 What's up Bloodsy?
Waiting in Mrs. H's for the bus. It'll be here in 15 min. I have that much time to kill now.
Edit: Cheri is now in surgery
Last edited by bloodyemos (17-09-2013 16:42:09)
104 Who? o.o
a href=""> … 06#p256206