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So, what are you both doing? And what color are the sheets on your bed? *stalker*
142. Lol! I'm editing a story I wrote. And my sheets are purple :p
143. I'm reading a storybook at the same time :ok: ... And my sheets are RAINBOW!!! Yours? *stalk back
144. Rainbow? I want rainbow sheets!!!
145.. You wanna know my secret??
Me too!! Mine are grey with a bit of purple in there.
Kiera, What's it about? And Choco, what book? :D
Last edited by malu (15-09-2013 13:24:46)
The Hunger Games... I'm reading Catching Fire for the third time already.. o.O
Three times?! I find it amazing that a person can read the same book over and over again! I can't. :/ Knowing what would happen makes me not want to.
Honestly, this is the first book I've read until 3 times...
Knowing me, once I read a book for another time, I'm gonna fly to the interesting part...
Can't help myself :non:
I do that sometimes but then I get OCD which won't go away till I read the whole entire book! :P
145. My record for reading books multiple times was Clockwork Prince, which I have read 14 times.
It's a short horror story set in Yorkshire.
You read the Infernal Devices???
Last edited by chocorae (15-09-2013 13:38:58)
147. Yep, I was shattered at the epilogue of Clockwork Princess :(
OMG!!! I read the series too... They are my fav besides Harry Potter, of course..
Team Will or Jem?? I keep forgetting the numbers! To excited to talk about Infernal Devices..
149. LOL :) Definitely Team Will <3
Oh no! *smacks forehead... The bad news is I'm Team Jem <3
151. Damn XD My friend is Team Jem too and we constantly have arguments about that.
Haha.. Lol~ C'mon let's beat malu in this and make this raspberry score unbeatable!!!
Hey! No fair! >.<
Haha... No, no, no.. This is totally fair.. :P
153. Sorry, I disappeared, I was having lunch.
Raspberrires Rockz!!
155. Homework is the worst thing ever invented.
And the best thing ever invented?? OMD!!! :aomd_smile: