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Just like the title said.
This is just like the other versus games ;
We Start from 100
Raspberry Lovers +1
Strawberry Lovers -1
Get it? OK then Let's Start!
rarity wrote:
I always get anxious before performing then as I start it all comes together, but I've never done a solo before, that's why I'm nervous. I'm going to go over all the technical parts now to put my mind at rest.
Ah, I was considering on calling. I guess that is the best option. I remember a while ago they had this instant messenger thing on their website, but they've removed it. I'll wait after the school holidays and try again then.
You best let us know how it goes, Commander!
Malu, Amary, did you read what happened with Tyler?
84 Uh, I don't think so.. What happened?
Apparently (according to him and my ex), he thought I was avoiding him because he thought I was mad at him. The whole thing is a misunderstanding, though I don't believe the mom forcing him to date his girlfriend thing
What does your ex have to do with this? O.o
I was talking to him about all my possible assumptions and he asked for Tyler's number. He texted him and asked him why he was ignoring me. Being exes and friends.
So your think Tyler's dating his ex and ze mom has nothing to do with it?
Ello, Chocs! :D
Hi, Malu~
How are ya?
Doing great!! You? ;D
I forgot the 82!!
Last edited by chocorae (19-09-2013 12:22:09)
Either that or he's lying about all of it just so that he can be player
I'm great, Choco~
He might be telling the same tale to the other girl too. :/
Hey, bloodsy!!
I dunno why but Dark Chocolate always gives me headaches..
Really?? That never happens to me though?? Whenever I eat chocolate, I always end up craving for more...
It's OK with any other chocolate. I googled it and it's bad for the brain or something like that. It's great for the heart though.. I have a feeling there's some cheesy message hidden here. O_o
Maybe...But I heard it's specially good for period pains though.... Weird, but yea...
Oh wow, that was unexpected. :P
Of all the things, huh...