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82 Almost weekend...I need some sleep...Feel. Like. Zombie. Robot.
Oh yeah..
Shopping for guys is hard. -__________-
I know
I cant even begin to imagine what he's gonna get me for mine.
83 Hm...Tell us more about his hobbies maybe? Does he like video games? Most guys do :D
Oh...Lemme check something. He likes Within Temptation right? Or was it you?
No that was me.
Oh yeah he loves Command & Conquer, but mostly to do with football (soccer).
85 Does he have a favorite team? A favorite player? You could get him a big poster of that player...Like a framed matter poster?
Oh yeah! That could work.
87 You said you don't use Amazon right? I think they had a good collection of things for soccer fans...
Oh and might wanna look at Deviantart.
And I'm pretty sure you can also choose a good picture and print it in one of those printing places...They always have that option of printing it as a poster.
Last edited by darkelfqueen (19-09-2013 16:48:25)
Yep that last option would work perfectly. Thanks!
89 No problem :D Glad I could help a little.
Oh! And if you want to go with a Soccer basket:
- Try to have a basket looking like a soccer ball
You could get him
- Soccer phone cover
- Soccer shirt of his favorite team/player
- Smaller poster of his favorite team
- One of those authentic soccer balls. Like the FCB ones? They usually cost around $20 or so
I don't know if I could afford all that, but I'll try. :D
91 Yup. I'm sure a big poster would be much appreciated too :D It's really depending on how much can you afford and the things he prefers...And I'm sure he would be touched by the thought nonetheless :P
When i asked what he wanted, he instantly yelled (not kidding here) "YOU!" I just laughed and told him he already ha me and he was like, "Naw, I meant a full day with you."
92 awwwwww...Can I ship you two now?!
AxA = Adorable!
I already gave her suggestion of what to give him but she said no. It was a VERY good suggestion though. :P
92 Okay...What was it? And do I want to know?
Darky, you really don't wanna know. -_____________-
94 I had a feeling that I got the vibe right...MALU!!!!!
Oh c'mon! :P
I'd never do it in a million years! -__________-
95 ... I am lost now... I have a feeling it's not the same thing I had in mind...
Anyways...I'm Hungry...ANd have a loooooong meeting ahead...
96 ....Do you really wanna know, Darky?
i'm hungry for sammiches.