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Just like the title said.
This is just like the other versus games ;
We Start from 100
Raspberry Lovers +1
Strawberry Lovers -1
Get it? OK then Let's Start!
What's up, Malu?
Pep rally tomorrow! SO excited :3 We're having a mini festival instead of a parade!!
Blourgh we have a Sportsfest tomorrow. I dunno what it's called to you guys thoug. You kinda cheer on your batches and every batch has their own cheer/cheer squad. And every batch is competing in games and sports with one another.
so tiiiirringgg ((blurgh I'm part of the cheer-dance team for the Sportsfest to help my bestie gain confidence :| ))
Decorating my garden. :]
57 *goes off to stalk your garden* Looking gooooooood! Autumn is here, I see :D
Weeell, it's still summer over here but yea. :D
I had 179 yesterday and now I have 82. I keep spending!! I can't save. D:
57 What,about Halloween malu? It's in three weeks!!!!!
You're in a scouts, Rare?
Missed,you girls badly!!!!
Also...I'm thinking of starting a zombieapocalypse RP!
Ah, no no. The scouting Legion is one of three factions in the military in SnK. Scouting Legion is not only he best, but it's the super bad ass one.
The best thing about the uniform is that it's unisex. You better believe I'm going to buy a Levi or Armin wig in the near future.
I missed you too, dear!
Ah. I'm not a big fan of zombies, but a good idea. A post apocalyptic RP would be fun, though.
56 ooh...Looks badass alright. Is SNK Dubbed?
56 Are the voices decent in Japanese? Please say 'yes'
Rare rare...I have to show you something. I'll post it in the topic on the dollz cafe section
Hai :3
So...What does the fox say?
I just heard that somewhere and i already forgot T-T
I've been listening to it for the past 2 hours >.<
OOOHH YA. now i remember what its from.. a friend of mine was playing it over skype call...
haha XD
My brain's been invaded by music that doesn't make any sense :hypn:
Oh well...So what's up?
Chatting with friends, listening to Skillet xD you? It seems quiet in here today /: