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I'm drawing. I finally got a new cord for my drawing tablet. I lost the old one and myfriend said that the blackberry chargers work on it. So yay! Other than that not much.
It's been really quiet lately. I don't exactly know why cuz I haven't been on much either but darky said that malu has school, amary has college stuff, and bloody was taking a break. So naturally darky also hasn't been on much.
I wasn't on cuz stupid new laptop decided to stop working. The browsers wouldn't load properly and when they did (15 minutes later) the internet would load even though the wireless was working perfectly. >.> Technology hates me
I feel ya... my new laptop hates my guts...
Wow /: i guess mornings and such are a good time to be on then? I've been busy with my new horse and such. Plus other gameing and such XD
Darky! Hi (:
56 ilooooove. Long time no see.
Been too long ;p whats up?
55 nothing much. Same old here kinda...I lost some weight. into drama.....played a horror game....yup that's it I think :D
Got into drama as well, bought a horse.. WoW and reading xD same old same old ;p
Moornning (:
54 Mooooorning oh morning
gjophhtr Skillet <3 Just bought the Rise album yesterday :3
Skillet is amazing :) I love their older songs better though
Oh my god. Angeljajakd. I have perfect perfect news. Eren x Mikasa is pretty much confirmed. SkajKsf
I also just found my perfect OTP too. SASHA X JEAN. oh gosh. I'm dying. I love my SnK-Relatable friends in Tumblr.
*Falls to the ground* YESH!!!
Rare go here if you haven't seen it...I'm missing something but I can't figure out what it is. I'm wearing this again next year so I have to know what's missing --> … 57#p259257
Last edited by angelfire (07-10-2013 02:58:14)
56 I like Skillet, but I have stopped listening to their new songs lately. I'm getting so obsessed over a song called "Glittering Clouds"
Yeah. I saw it Angel //Heavy breathing// (It's the skirt thing)
Look ate her smile. Her true genuine smile. It's so cute
57 I miss waking up to find you girls have posted 2 - 3 pages in the RP while I was gone. I miss the active boards :sad: I was going to start a Halloween contest, but now...
It's been 8 days so here's an update (though I'm mentally not able to come back yet):
-Homecoming was the 28th. I had no date and did not go with friends. I was loner who hung with whoever. I dirty danced with some girls and had a great time. Earlier that day, I had mental breakdown. Currently, this last week has been a happy high.
-I want to strangle my Academy class along with my project partner...ohmygod
-Schools been good otherwise. I have excellent grades.
-My friend Josh came over twice. It's great to be able to hang and talk with him after school. Who knew I'd get such a good guy friend?
-Still dealing with friend drama but it's calmed down
-And I met Charles. Charles is...amazing. He's sweet, kind, funny...just a bit of everything. He knows my past and doesn't judge me for it. I like him, he likes's great. He great. I'm just hoping I don't screw things up like I tend to do. I would like to have one that will last. I may have a date next weekend.
I do check in every day though I don't post. I know what you guys say. Remember, I'm not back.
Well i miss you bloody and hope you get that date ^.^
Ohhh...Right...Well getting a brown skirt short thing now to finish my outfit...THANK YOU!
@Twin - I miss you :/ Come back soon and crossing fingers for yur date :)