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#1 15-10-2013 16:01:55

Registered: 2007
Posts: 1208

[OhMyLoft] New Theme: Trick or Treat!

Hi you designers!

Can you feel the wind of fright on #OhMyDollz?

If you don't like being scared, you'd better run of to escape this new OhMyLoft contest: Trick or Treat ?

At 10 O'Clock this morning, you can start registering for the Halloween contest!

Set up a typical American decor, in front of a house door (or any other home) when kids say: "Trick or Treat ?"

I love this tradition, to go from one house to another to ask for sweets!  :aomd_bave:

Kids, grown-ups, rich and poor, all singing for sweeties. It's as warm as Christmas but much more scary!

You have until Monday October 21st at 10AM (French time) to set up your decor in your loft room, make the most of it!

The Halloween tradition was born during the 19th century in Scotland and Ireland. It is now common in North America. In Mexico, the typical saying is "calaverita" which means little skeleton, kids don't ask for sweets but for their little skeleton: "¿me da mi calaverita?".

For this theme, you need to set up a scene in which we see who frightens who!

So it is an exterior view from the interior, or an interior one from the exterior, or a profile one or even one from above.

The scene must represent the moment when you open the door and see the people inside or those outside.

Let you thrilling imagination run free! :aomd_smile:

You must use Halloween decoration for the inside and the outside and you decor can be realistic or fantastic.

Your decor can be realist, refer to an other era (prehistoric, Jurassic, future) or fantastic (Martian, unicorns, dragons) as long as your scene represents the "Trick or Treat" moment.

- Your decor must be an EXTERIOR and INTERIOR view in your Loft room.

- In your decor we must see a DOOR FRAME so one understands if it is inside or outside

To register, this week, you need:

To use AT LEAST 2 elements from the Halloween store

You mustn't use :

- Gifts you received from your friends

I remind you that if you can not follow the requirements of the subject, it is better to wait for the next contest instead of being banned for non-compliance with the theme.

Frighten us! :doll_oeil:

[b]The contest's rules of OhMyLoft are available on the contest enrollment page, on the top right corner.[/b

#2 20-10-2013 00:14:06

Registered: 2012
Posts: 25

Re: [OhMyLoft] New Theme: Trick or Treat!

I'm experiencing some trouble with my loft - the wall/path that I'm using (it's listed under buildings) won't show up in the preview for the contest.  Does that mean it won't show up for voting?  I'm not aware of it breaking any of the rules, am I maybe wrong?


#3 20-10-2013 10:53:47

Registered: 2011
Posts: 359

Re: [OhMyLoft] New Theme: Trick or Treat!

ladyarah wrote:

I'm experiencing some trouble with my loft - the wall/path that I'm using (it's listed under buildings) won't show up in the preview for the contest.  Does that mean it won't show up for voting?  I'm not aware of it breaking any of the rules, am I maybe wrong?

Try to clear your cache, im sure it will go back to normal.


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