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cats gotta love cats :aomd_chat:
Ummm... Okay there.
Last edited by subway1 (17-02-2014 16:10:39)
Last edited by malu (17-02-2014 18:14:02)
One word. Amazing. :)
i was looking for something else but... ...THIS was even better! :lol:
edit: but it refuses to load :pleur:
Last edited by darkjewels (18-02-2014 05:11:51)
people can hardly wait for the 4th game of the Gemcraft series and i'm there like:
half-way though 2nd game, months after beating the 3rd and deciding IF i'll feel like playing/beating the 1st one...
Don't ever tell a Percy Jackson fan that you hate Annabeth Chase unless it's me, because everyone else is obsessed... Yet I hate her...
:aomd_poule: :aomd_poule:
if only we could flip the emoticons...
then these 2 would be facinf each other XD
NEKO DESU!!! :aomd_chat:
Random person: *enter slightly sexist joke here*
{@rukia131: what anime is that? :3 looks cute}
{it's shugo chara :) ]
{thanks! *goes search*}
today, i had no idea what color i should paint my nails.
so i painted one of each color XP
and coincidentialy, i've painted the 3 middle nails Power Puff Girls-like o_O
they're sho cutie! :3
now good luck for me to find someone to take a picture of them...
being the best photo-taker of the house has SOME disadvantages...
specialy when your nails look cute...
"I'm a ninja."
"No you're not."
"Did you see that?"
"See what?"
Really love gifs <3
All the snow is melting... Yay!
That gives me permission to post a summer picture. :)
((Wish it was melting over here...))
When a book suddenly gets really interesting
Last edited by neriah10 (23-02-2014 17:58:17)