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That was my fault.
107 O_O...I was signing in through French OMD and instead of writing the password of French Darky, I wrote the English one and believe it or not....I logged in to the English OMD!
Bloodsy, where would you like to preview the layout?
Last edited by darkelfqueen (08-12-2013 16:15:35)
Here would be fine. And WOW LOL
Morning, Malu. I hate arguing with Caije. We got into one last night over the dumbest thing.
Well, I'd say that you'll survive and a cheesy movie line but I don't remember any.. I try. Just make sure it doesn't get too big.. the fight I mean. It'll start with the dumbest thing and then next thing you know you're all alone with a bald dead goldfish named Millie. :)
I apparently ruined his joke last night and he blew it out of proportion. His dream made it worse when he woke up this morning and led him to apologizing to me for it.
Boys will be boys, I guess. A joke is a joke, he can easily make another one if school still hasn't sucked the last bit of creativity in him but to make a big deal out of it ain't so wise.
Out of curiosity, what was the joke about?
Last edited by malu (08-12-2013 18:31:45)
A squirrel screwing an acorn
Watcha doooing now? At school?
lol, it's sunday. we have no school and it may be closed again tomorrow,.
I sent the article by pm, darky
And I don't care what's decided on TMI so long as I have a detailed explanation of what is and will be going on.
It's okay bloodsy, you two'll get over it and laugh as though that never happened. It's the smaller arguments that make a relationship stronger.
So update on this end...we're most definitely moving. Everyday, my dad keeps asking us kids what reason we have to stay here. Everyday I answer the same thing. Even my mom understands that I just want to stay and finish this last year. She even said that she'll try to get a job somewhere near here so that I can keep going to the same school. *Thank you mama!*
Yesterday I was just fed up cuz my dad asked again "What are all our options and reasons?" We've been at that same question for the past 4 freakin years
102 Well...the little arguments spice relationships :) You two will be fine.
Blooodsy, LAYOUT!
Made this for the sub-header similar to the one you had on the layout or you can use it as a sig or something? Uh...yeah
Wow Angel, I know how that feels, did I mention that I've been 5 schools and 3 colleges already? Maybe your mom will be able to handle this! Just keep your hopes high and tell yourself whatever happens, you'll have an adventure!
Oh! I thought it was Monday there cause it's Monday here. It's 12 AM now.
I'll make an outfit soon and PM it to you, Darky.
And I might join TMI again. Just tell where to be!
I hate moving too but then I think of all the bad things that happened at that place and think of it as an opportunity for a fresh start, Angel. I've only moved around only a few times so I might not really understand how it's like to keep moving and moving over and over again. Keep thinking positive though. Makes life a bit better.
It's beautiful Varky! You know you'll have to add it right? Especially since that crap never agrees with me. I already saved all the crap on my WIA so yeah. Do it when ya got time.
Twin, I understand you hate moving bc I do but sadly, you cannot argue with your parents and win on this one. At least your mom is gonna try to keep y'all around the same schools.
I know it was small and stupid and I'm pretending it didn't happen.
Thanks guys :) I can count on you all to help lighten up my spirits. This move is most definitely going to be harder than the rest. Mostly because This is the longest time I've had friends. I keep making new ones too :) I'll always have you guys though. At least somethings will stay the same.
Good to know I won't be forgotten <3
101 You can NEVER be forgotten, Malu :P And that would be awesome! I bet we need all the outfits we can get! Also, I'd love it if you RP again. I miss you so much!!! And Susie would be interesting, too!
Yup, Angel. We'll all be here with you, don't worry :D
Bloodsy, I know. I wanted to make sure you're okay with it first...We might have a small problem with the current color of the boxes which might make me have to change the boxes all together. I'll try to do it in a couple more hours since I just realized that a huge part of my article analysis is...wrong. Based on wrong info?! They could have warned me but noooooooooooooooo...
Rant over.
As for TMI, are we all wanting a time skip or not? I feel like the part we were in is somewhat in a stuck position.
Last edited by darkelfqueen (08-12-2013 19:57:14)
Why not, Darky? Skipppy Tiiiime!
I just realized that drinking cold cola when your about to have a cold is not a wise plan.. Oh well. I love being sick <3
It's fine Varky. I don't mind
It's been a while since we all been online at the same time, hasn't it?
99 Yup oh yup. It's actually really sweet.
Skippy time, it is then!
I really feel like freezing the room for some reason. I feel so hot...Even though it's below 30 degrees fahrenheit over here...My cheeks are practically burning!
Could be either two of things - You found your true love so your blushing (BLOODY!! GET THE WEDDING STUFF!!) or you have Dengue fever. Either way it's recommended you get married. :)
(Or see a doctor! Seriously. Dengue is nothing to joke about.)
Last edited by malu (08-12-2013 20:28:08)
99 ... I did blush a few hours ago since I saw Armin Van Buuren playing in a video and...uh...let's just say, I love him.
But actually it's neither. You see, I have a weird...circulation in body. Not very common blood flow, so in winter, I get freezing feet and hands and a very very hot face.
Last edited by darkelfqueen (08-12-2013 20:32:05)
(*Tracking down guy's location*)
That's weird.. But you know, you can put your face in a tub full of ice-cream now. Yum.
Last edited by malu (08-12-2013 20:32:49)