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99 oooooor take a shower! Which is what I'm gonna do! Back in 15 mins or so. I take looong showers.
Thanks Darky :) And Malu, I don't anyone can forget you (In a good way) :bisous:
Darky did you get that checked??? Is there a name for that? I mean that's pretty bad. Of course I'm kind of the opposite...While my everything else freezes to ice...My hands are sweating.
Bye bye! *throws are duck at ducky*
That happens to me too, Angel! + My feet get very dry.
Last edited by malu (08-12-2013 20:36:10)
Malu, I have the wedding stuff in the car. Where do you want it?
At the location of course! What do you think, Beach or Castle? :D
Oh and I've got the groom in the trunk too! :D
Last edited by malu (08-12-2013 20:54:07)
Beach!!! Is he all dressed to go? *quickly decorates beach pavilion*
I made a cake guys! Where shall I put it?
*Points to table with baby blue cover* That table over there.
96 O_O
*Covers Varky's eyes with a blindfold* Nope. You're not allowed to see.
96 .... I don't get a say?
What fun would that be?
Yup! *Applies last bit of lipstick on ze groom* Pwetty as a picture!
95 .... Good Point. Just make sure he wears a pink suit :bisous
I'm never kissing a guy with lipstick!!!!!!!
Last edited by darkelfqueen (08-12-2013 21:31:43)
Poor guy! I already dolled him up!
95 Excuse me while I go throw up!
Oh that's no good! The kiss will taste vomit-ey! *runs off to buy air-freshener*
Last edited by malu (08-12-2013 21:41:24)
Darky hurry up The groom's getting tired of waiting
Are you having cold feet?
*dumps are large bucket of hot water on Darky's feet*
There! All better! :D
*screams from the back* HURRY UP AND KISS THE GROOM ALREADY!
94 This got to be my worst nightmare :hypn:
Too bad. Now hurry up! We want nieces and nephews
Loooots of nieces and nephews actually! :D