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Darky. Sit Down. we're going to have a talk.
*ahem* KISS THE GROOM or else :non:
97 *looks dead serious* Don't make me do something I don't want to do
Oh Yes. Yeeeeeeaaaas.
Weeeeelll.. I've got to go! Bye <3 Goodnight, folks!
Bye bye malu! Good night! want just don't know it yet
Come on!!! Kiss him already
Ohh kissing? I'll get the camera ready for the adorable moment?
94 Angel, I burst out laughing reading your comment. My mom says that all the time to me!!!!
I'm really scared of that one day when I tell you girls I'm actually in love in RL. Really really scared.
You better not hide it. I'm surprised y'all don't act up like this with me and Caije lol
94 Weeeeell, I'm trying to play it down a bit so as not to drive you nuts. Or drive Caije nuts. Or drive you both nuts. two would be nutty cute!
And don't worry won't hide it. That is if I find a guy I like. So far, I just feel like...well...It's hard to explain. I tend to think of most of the guys I know as being immature. I know that most men are, but I really can't take them seriously at all.
Nuts is what I am. Hence why I know have the nickname acorn. He's the flying elephant. Long story there.
Twin...I'm workin on a little something for the two of you...justwait. I've been shipping you two in my head for a while. Just haven't been here to post it all. But all in good time. We have to get darky married before you
Lol ^^
Well getting married is a normal convo we have at home. So this is all like talking to my sibs about this. I know for a fact that I will be getting married at the age of 23 to 25. No if ands or buts about it.
O_O I'm 22 now. 23-25 seems so....uh...difficult?
Last edited by darkelfqueen (09-12-2013 01:18:14)
Wanna hear the story? OKAY! Story Time!!
He was falling asleep in class. He texted me telling me so I decided I'd be random. I texted him saying, "I'm an acorn."
His reply, "Kassie? Really? You are not an acorn."
"Yes I am. I'm small. I'm round. and I'm nutty. I'm an acorn."
"Yeah..and I'm a flying f....... elephant."
"You're dumbo? o_O"
"Yeah...let's go with dumbo."
And there we have it! Now I'm his acorn and he's my flying elephant.
I'm having issues as to what to get him for christmas but I want to find a cheap dumbo ornament as a gag gift bc of this XD
Dying with cuteness here
Let's reuse this:
Weeellll...I'm actually pretty excited for that day to come :ouf: This is what I think about in bed...I mean it's bad
96 awwwwww... Awwwwwwwwwwwwww. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.
Wait...which day are we talking,about again? Sorry, sooo....uh...just read below.
I just proved that when you hit yourself, you really can be,dumb for the rest of the day. How did I hit my head, you ask? In the fridge.. No.. Not kidding.
Heh... My few months have been crazy about love and break ups and drama and breaks and just.
want to buy a breather.
LOL!! THE FRIDGE? I've done that...thanks Eli
Varky...LI outfits, how many would you like? I love doing them and got a few I can give to you.
Last edited by bloodyemos (09-12-2013 03:37:14)
Don't worry Bloody! I already started making decorations for your wedding! I guess I should change the names on the cards to Acorn and Flying Elephant! :D
Ilove, Yoga. It really helps. Or power-walking. That's fun too. Or a boycott! Or concentrating on Photography? I think it'll help your clear your mind.
LOOOOL. Fridge. :P Silly Darky <3
And I'm not excited for anything marriage related to me. I'd rather be the cat lady.
Malu, I'd LOVE to see the invites say that.
Here ya go!
And I'm off to bed! Really sick. :D
92 I was trying to see if there was anything forgotten in the back and...I really don't know. I just hit my head.
Awwww Eli. well, I don't have an excuse really.
I feel soooooo drowsy today.
Hey! How come I didn't get the invite so far?!
Varky...LI outfits, how many would you like? I love doing them and got a few I can give to you.
92 Oh. many as you want. We can have these and the one(s) Malu is gonna send as a Winter Catalogue or something. If you want, you can also create ones for the January LI celebrating the New Year.
I have 2 right now that I'll email you later then
92 Awesome! great to hear :D Oh yesterday when I was working on your W|A and needed to remember what sections you needed, I saw your doll, it's awesome!!