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If the gift is a picture should we post it here?
You should send the link to your person through pming.
Oh, sorry! I couldn't paint the image (colouring) because my pc program doesn't work, so could you quit me from that category please? Thank you
Last edited by bianca96 (25-12-2013 22:22:07)
Alright everyone! Here are the results! These were chosen by 4 of my 5 siblings. They were only told that this was a Christmas themed contest and what each category was.
1st Place:
Layout + Avatar and Signature + Edit + 3 Gifts of Choice
2nd Place
Avatar and Signature + Edit + 2 Gifts of Choice
3rd Place
Edit + 1 Gift of Choice
Icefoxes - Bloodyemos
*Raffle winners get 3 gifts of choosing each*
Last edited by angelfire (26-12-2013 03:38:56)
Layout+av/sig+2 edit+4 gifts....this is a toughy. Give me some time here lol. Congratz to the winners
Congrats to everyone and Happy Holidays !~
Sorry I couldn't post my Coloring in time, Angel. :D Congrats to ze winners!
Can I have Edits to these two pictures?
And Avi/Siggy ~
Avi text: Malu
Sig text: -None-
Font: Block?
Colours: White and Black
Theme: Ascension (you know. :D)
Extra: "Made by Angel!" in the corner and animation if possible.
Gifts ~
Here are the avatars and signatures:
Last edited by angelfire (27-12-2013 03:05:11)
Thank you! I hardly ever win raffles!
Could I have these gifts please:
Yay! <3 Was excited for this! :D
Woot! Tied for 3rd. :norm: I would like this hat please:
I will decide on the image I want edited later. Thank you! :applau:
P.S. Sorry I did not get to enter my reindeer. Shortly after joining this contest I found out that a forum for another game I play had an art contest going on, and I couldn't resist joining, especially since the grand prize was worth more than 800 USD. So yeah, that kinda sucked up all my time XD
You know what? You choose what edits and gifts I get. The av/sig and layout I'll choose when the laptop decides to work.