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46 Bloodsy, are you sure there's no misunderstanding? it's so strange she just...changed like that. I'm really sad you're being hurt since before you said you liked them all. Is there,anyway you and C. Can talk?
His mom and I hit a compromise. It isn't a sudden change. I've just had enough of her bs. I'll go over there on Mondays and he comes over Thursdays. That's the compromise.
That's not so bad :) You also have texting and class right?
Umm... Hi.
46 hey subway.
That,sounds good. Is that because of school and so on?
Hi, there! So... I'm looking for a name for a new Guinea Pig I might be getting. Do you girls have any ideas ? I think Poncho is a cute name, but I'm not sure... :)
Good, Angelfire! I could finally relax today since I was cleaning out my accordian file folder, basically my homework folder, yesterday, and I had practically an entire garbage bag FULL of useless junk I've collected from August 28th to December 20th. Imagine how much junk I would've collected if I had waited until the end of the year! Lol! :)
Anyways, how was your day ?
Last edited by subway1 (05-01-2014 04:00:02)
Twin, we go to 2 different schools otherwise I wouldn't have much of a problem
Aww, that sucks, Bloodyemos!
Sub, you can call me Bloody. I'm friends with his best friend and we met at my Halloween party
Last edited by ilovem12 (05-01-2014 04:33:12)
But texting!
@Sub - it was pretty good! I have a new drawing I'm trying out and i'm also finishing up Iree's backstory
plus my sis found Frozen online so we'll be watching that :)/b]
44 well bloodsy, you did say earlier you're going to be busy with the new trimester. Maybe that's best so you two can focus on school?
Hello girls~! Sorry I didn't come online yesterday, got a headache and went to sleep early @~@
43 it's awwight xemo! I was on and off all day. Actually might head to bed soon when painkiller kicks in.
I know and true but nothing beats face toface
43 of course! But think about it, it will make those face to face moments all more precious. You'll look forward to them more!
Our problem is tension. We're very touchy and the tension will be too much
I miss Lily T_T
40 you're gonna see each other twice a week :) and I have a feeling that after some time, you might be allowed to see each other more.
@Angelfire Ooh! Are you going to post it on the Board ? If so, I can't wait to see it! I might be going to see Frozen today in theaters. Just can't wait! :)
Last edited by subway1 (05-01-2014 15:35:45)