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When my best friend's boyfriend is around. I hate him so much.
Logging on to poneyvallee and seeing a new baby in the nursery!
Watching the sun go down in the summertime on the porch. I love that feeling... As if Summer could last forever... :)
Hearing my sister baby-talk my dog. Ugh...
When people use Emojiis. I mean, I like Emojiis, but I would never actually use them myself! They mess up the entire text! Ugh! I hate using Emojiis!
Last edited by subway1 (23-02-2014 16:54:37)
Meep. We can't text sub >.< Most of my texts have to have an emoji somewhere in it *.*
When U get that extra hour of sleep I feel so relaxed.
Remembering my secret Poptart stash. I have to hide some for myself or my brother and sister will eat them all. Hehehe, me one, them zero.
When someone forgets to close the door. >.<
When my sister leaves the house.
kissing my mother everynight :star:
Saying "Oyasuminasai" or "Oyasumi" to my mother before bed. Both words mean good night.
Drinking something warm when its cold.
Eating a poptart fresh out of the toaster then drinking a glass of milk fresh out of the fridge. IT HURTS.
The feeling of butter on your hands. >.<
Last edited by malu (19-04-2014 11:06:18)
Having to get up every 15 frickin' minutes to stir the soup 'cause my brother won't do it because "I haven't done anything today and he has." What a load of bull. I cut my hands working on a mosaic at school and he just sat on his butt playing Dota 2 or whatever.
The feeling of fur.
Watching my money slowly reach 100 on this site...
Getting a chance to sleep late without anyone waking me up feels great ^^
New bed sheets <3
Thinking about homeschool... I might be homeschooled next year. c:
The excitment and fear that next year will be the last year of High School for me