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@Darky - YAY! Go girl power!! And who cares what a few people think of you. There was an issue and you were the one who brought awareness to it. They should be groveling at your feet.
@Bloodsy - Is the teach really making you do the report without the lab O.e
Last edited by angelfire (27-01-2014 22:30:08)
I don't know. I don't have him for a couple more hours.
59, 'cause someone who likes strawberries skipped ten numbers D:
cold days like these when i miss Puerto Rico .-.
I'm reallllyyy wanting to re-do my loft on this account but I can't decided to go with my design on MDD, or pick a new one completely.
Last edited by ilovem12 (27-01-2014 22:19:18)
About angel?
Ooooh ya o.o supposedly last page we where at the 40s or something? I have no clue :ouf:
These games are a nightmare when you don't pay attention :hypn:
Mhm xDD
....Jason what have you done.. His new music video for "Talk Dirty." Wow...
Officially decided that I don't like being at school till 6
Not gonna watch it. I hate rap and 2Chainz? No thx. I was about to watch it but Decided to listen. 1 minute in...Back to my nightcore.
I don't mind Eminem for rap, other rappers? No way.
Rap test: Listen to "Million Miles Away" by Prozak. You won't be disappointed.
I like Prozak, Eminem, 3 Macklemore songs and rap within a pop song
Some rap in a pop song is okay but there hasn't really been a rapper I like...except one. But he's a youtuber. His name's Tony Tran and his stuff is beautiful
Just watched the Prozak vid...That was brilliant!!
Oh I thought of another good artist...but he's more hip hop I think..Genres confuse me but anyhow. He's a good one. also a youtuber - Mo Sabri
Macklemore! How can I forget him (: And ill listen to that song bloody, trying to find new songs and such.
Exactly Ilovem! Have you heard "Otherside" by mackelmore? One of my favs <3
Prozak is good. I love "Million Miles Away's" vid
Nah I haven't heard much of macklemore sadly, just Same Love and Can't Hold Us.
Look it up. It's about the effects on drugs with teens today and why. It's really good.
44 Moooooooooorning.
Me is confused. not sure if my classes are cancelled or not...And reeeeeally don't want go out in the cold.