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As the title says, just post what time it is where you live & the temperature.
Here in Southwest Missouri it is:
7:45 am central
3 degrees F
Western Province, Sri-Lanka?
11:16 PM
Midwest, US
12:00 PM
10:45 AM
Northern Kentucky
12:30 AM EST
21 degrees F and cloudy
Last edited by bloodyemos (25-01-2014 06:31:02)
My computer says 30 degrees and sleet, but that was predicted a week ago and it doesn't update after that. My phone is way more accurate.
3:14 am (I'm crazy)
9:47 AM EST
25 degrees with snow showers
23°F (-5°)C - I have never checked the weather with interest since this game ^^
2:39 pm
This is the warmest its been for a month...
Last edited by ilovem12 (25-01-2014 20:40:50)
9:43 AM
28°F (This is cold for us)
Last edited by malu (26-01-2014 05:13:40)
9:38 AM EST
10 degrees F
This is freezing. Negatives tomorrow
10:07 am central
15 degrees F
at 6am it was 20, it just keeps on dropping
Last edited by sierradane (27-01-2014 17:08:05)
4:21 pm
34 degrees F (this is warm for us in southern Maine)
5:37 PM
10:05 am central
11 degrees F
8:30 P.M. \(o3o)_ <---herro
Meh phoneh phone ses... TWERNTY WERN DERGRERS.
3:46 PM
Now we're back to the normal temperature! Summer's coming again!
Quebec, Canada.
10:45 AM
2:04 PM and 19 degrees F
8:15 PM
Last edited by subway1 (08-02-2014 02:15:17)