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I'm actually mulling over whether to join the current dA contest, like anthro kites? That's def a challenge.
About uni, hhhng, yeah, I'm *probably* (since it isn't set until confirmation/registration) going to De La Salle University since it's our country's top school for science/computer/engineering majors. I feel guilty though, @-@ another school's acceptance just came out and I got a full scholarship. I feel like I'm depraving someone since I probs won't go there. @n@
39 I say give it a try! You never know!!! Just for fun and practice even.
That's awesome!!! Don't feel bad. They don't offer the scholarship unless they know what they're doing :ok: It's awesome though that I have an internet friend who's gong into the same major as I am!
If I can get off my lazy butt enough to complete it :P
Yeah, but the thing is given to the high scorers so if i didn't apply someone else out there would have it. *guilty feelings bc i knew that there'd be a very low chance i would've actually enrolled in that school*
//You will be my senpai *u*//
39 Yaaaay! I'm a senpai. lol.
So you're feeling guilty about not accepting it? Still...If it doesn't offer the degree that would make you happy, it's not worth it.
//nods to senpai//
Yeah, do what I need to do for my future. :)
39 Exactly! Your career should be something you enjoy or believe me you'll find yourself going back and redoing your degree at some point...And we don't want that now, do we?
I was thinking of taking an online digital Art class. But can't seem to find any good ones.
Hmmm, I haven't had any experience with online art classes, so I can't help you much. I saw this place called ConceptCookie though, I think I mentioned it before but it's rlly cool.
39 OHMYGOD! I didn't know about it, no. It's awesome!!!!
I am staring in awe at the clothing tutorial. Look at all the details!!! AAAAH I'm melting. I'm MEEEELTING.
Last edited by ilovem12 (05-02-2014 21:16:55)
Taking a look at it...The whole site looks cool! And all the tutos too!
I just watched the Fault in our Stars trailer...I'm in legit tears. I've never ever EVER cried watching a freaking trailer before. I'm still crying omg.
Last edited by angelfire (05-02-2014 23:57:24)
Everyone should listen to Welcome to NightVale. I just started and it was absolutely brilliant!
Why does the horrible always happen to me?
Twin...just remember this one little thing. It's pretty cliche but it really makes a big different on everything:
Bad things happen to good people.
We don't know why they do. But they do. We may not deserve them. But they happen anyway.
Just stay strong through it and it'll get better along the way.
Last edited by angelfire (06-02-2014 05:00:15)
He comes, I fall in love, and he's getting taken away from me for 2 years. It hurts. It hurts a lot. All I wanna do is cry. I don't know what to say or do anymore. I'm lost.
Do you want to send an email about it? that sounds so old >.< I haven't said that in forever O.e I'd say text but well...broken phone >.>
Anyway. Back to you. Darling, two years will go by so quick you won't even realize it. I know it's a long wait. It will be hard. We'll be by your side along the way :3 Absence makes the heart grow fonder :)
I'm sorry. Cliche phrases is what I do.
I'll e-mail it all to you. I don't want the entire freaking board to know all the details to this....though what does it matter anymore. I'll e-mail tomorrow
Last edited by bloodyemos (06-02-2014 05:35:06)
Wow okay so I finished the story for Black Flag and just let me die in my own tears. I'm just going to lie down and sob and drown in my own feelings. Just when you THINK IT COULDN'T GET ANY FRICKIN SADDER DAMN ANNE STARTS SINGING AND IT'S JUST NOT FAIR STOP PLAYING WITH MY EMOTIONS
40 awww Rare. Now I.m afraid of playing.
Bloodsy. Little sis, emailed you. Things are gonna be okay. We're all gonna help you make the two years pass. You don't have to go through this alone.
E-mailed back
I need your e-mail again twin
40 Replied. For some reason my phone won't show me notifications when I get new emails, so I'll have to check regularly.
Alright! I'm going to send an email to you.
41 Not out of happiness, I presume? :D
I'll cry of happiness when it's over, but now? Nope. I think we might do an all-nighter TnT