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#1 08-02-2014 03:39:48

Registered: 2012
Posts: 66

An Item in the New B&B Quest

I did the newest quest--Beauty and the Beast Quest, and on receiving the items, I tried to arrange a "grand dining room" with the long table and the place settings.  But when I move side to side in the room(my loft) the place setting will follow me around, despite the fact I did the click to set everything in place permanently.

Who do I report this too?

My heart will go on...

#2 08-02-2014 05:38:46

From: Witchie Hideout
Registered: 2009
Posts: 639

Re: An Item in the New B&B Quest

It's probably set as an item that can be placed on your doll. Just make sure when you place the item on the table, your doll is out of the way. The purple box that appears when you click on it shows how much room it 'takes' and if your doll is near it, it will stick to you. This is common for many items.

Also what does "did the click" mean? Unless you mean the save button

discord: corgibutt#2664

#3 10-02-2014 02:14:05

Registered: 2012
Posts: 66

Re: An Item in the New B&B Quest

Well, I see that you are RIGHT!  But I am baffled that something so long as this place setting is hard to place.  But thank you! 
Ad yes, I meant the "set button".

My heart will go on...

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