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You sing it
30 lol. I'd rather not, thank you :P
There ya go
30 Fine fine. I was just trying to help but was failing miserably :D Still would have been fun if it could be sung. I used to memories German words that way.
I was just asked by my favorite fanfic writer to be his beta-reader :hypn: I'm like shocked right now....Actually scratch that, I'm freaking out.
Do it. That's great!
31 yeah I told them that I'm in and he said he understood that I might be busy this week, so....yeah...YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dream come true there
I bought the terrace and now I'm setting it up like I did with my loft before.
31 I cry when I read his work. So yeah. He writes fma and yugioh fanfics.
Well...Ispar and Brodwen makes me mad. Twin, they left our guild. 2 of our strongest members and they just up and left
Yeah I've read 0.0 I was wondering why everyone was so upset. And without a reason? Yikes
Last edited by angelfire (09-02-2014 20:53:18)
Yeah...without reason. That'll mess us up a bit in the guild battles.
So I embarrassed Caije Friday night. Sadly I can't tell y'all how bc of the site. He didn't expect my reaction though.
Lol ^^ Was it that in appro?
Um...very. But I'm me and I have my curiosity and odd mindset and was hilarious though.
I have it memorized!! Now I just need a time limit for it bc I speak incredibly fast. I'm awaiting a tweet back.
She told me to talk at a ridiculously slow pace. I told her I'd try without sounding sarcastic. Yeah...I would sarcastic when I talk slow. It's not good.
Last edited by bloodyemos (09-02-2014 21:39:04)
30 And that is exactly why I hate guilds. I work alone. End of story.
They help ya though. You gotta give them that. And you make acquaintances.
Ya, that whole drama about me leaving my friends behind? That was my old guild I was in. I am now banned from there, they hate my guts, AND to top it off they called me a little s*lt/brat (etc). New guild is nice, but it's like I went from fun and games 24/7 , to we're raiding till you bleed.
Been 5 days to top it off -_-"
I've never liked being in a guild. Of course...that was cuz I never knew anyone so I felt awkward. This time though, bloodsy's there so its a better experience.
Ah... guilds. :| I dunno why i love playing MMOs I end up playing by myself regardless. And guilds? Pffff, Im too awkward for that. Like I think there was only one time I made a "friend" and he was pretty cool and Im pretty sure I only became friends with them bc they talked to me first. I felt so awkward when he logged in with his old character tho like woAH lvl 60+ and Im a lil itty bitty lvl 14. He was sweet tho. But I didnt see him again bc of timezones n stuff :(
That bites, ilovem
Twin, I'll make the most of it for ya too. Hk and Raven are nice (they're dating) and Miya is a sweetheart. Cici's funny. Frost cares more about my English than I do. So I'm happy all-in-all.
Xemo, I was like that at first till I needed helped. I slowly got into it.
Oh and MORNING! Wish me luck tonight. (And I did finally pass the English test Frost was worried about)
Last edited by bloodyemos (10-02-2014 12:38:54)
28 Guilds mean drama....besides I don't like the fact that you get too dependent on them at one point.
Goooooooooooooooooood Morning!!!!
And good good good luck bloodsy ;)
Wish me luck with my hectic week everyone. I feel like I'm getting ready for battle.
I don't depend on mine. They help, they help. They don't, they don't. Oh freaking well.
Gooooood luck Varky! You need it
Good luck <3